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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surest way to have a stroke by 50

What are some of the risk factors you think of when you hear the word stroke? An unhealthy diet, being overweight, not exercising, smoking and maybe even stress. And age, right? Stroke is something you think of happening when you’re closer to 65 or older. Think again…

Jenny Smiechowski

Should you go low-carb to keep your brain sharp?

Younger generations have gone all-in on low-carb diets like keto and paleo. But what if you’re in the over 60-set? There is some new evidence that this diet could have big benefits for older adults who embrace it… especially if your memory and thinking skills aren’t what they used to be…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Two ways antioxidants help reduce brain injury from stroke

A stroke is a scary thing. The blood is cut off to an area of your brain and the cells in that area die. And because of the unique nature of a stroke and the physical and chemical changes it causes, the damage can continue — killing more brain cells even days after.

Jenny Smiechowski

Electronic cigarettes make brain stem cells go up in smoke

Damaged or dead brain stem cells are never a good thing. They’re the cells that repair your brain tissue. In fact, fewer brain stem cells mean more brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. And there’s a popular habit that does just this…

Joyce Hollman

Tight blood pressure control may be key to closing door on dementia

When researchers looked at the relationship between elevated blood pressure and the chance of developing dementia, the connection wasn’t as easy to pin down. But there was one finding that stood out, and that has real implications for the rest of us who want to lower our dementia risk…

Margaret Cantwell

‘Precondition’ your blood pressure to lower risk of stroke and heart attack

Do you know my least favorite moment during doctor’s visits? When the doctor inflates the blood pressure cuff around my arm and it squeezes my arm super tight. It’s uncomfortable and I can’t wait until it’s over. It turns out, though, that moment of pain is worth what I gain in my brain…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

Brain-saving habit for your Alzheimer’s prevention strategy

It’s 2019 and there is still no cure for Alzheimer’s. Despite all the research, science doesn’t seem to be any closer to a cure. At least not one that can turn back the damage the disease does to one’s brain… Does that mean you’re doomed to end up with this dreaded disease? Not if you follow a few strategies…

Joyce Hollman

The scientific reasons weighted blankets ease anxiety, improve sleep and help you feel hugged

There’s a therapeutic blanket that’s gaining in popularity today that takes “security blanket” to a whole new level. Research has shown it’s good for relieving anxiety and insomnia, and for helping adults as well as children. If this sounds like something you’d like to try, here’s why and how it works…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The common viral infection that increases risk for dangerous brain inflammation

90 percent of adults will be infected with this virus. In fact, it’s the most widespread epidemic in our country. But most people will only suffer uncomfortable outbreaks. The unlucky ones could end up with a far more dangerous issue that affects the brain. But the right bacteria can help…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 hidden headache triggers (slideshow)

There is a way to stop most headaches before they start and it can be as simple as changing the foods you eat. Here are the six foods that could be causing your headaches.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why bad cholesterol could bring on early Alzheimer’s

There’s an Alzheimer’s risk factor that most people don’t realize is a risk factor. And it affects millions of Americans. Luckily, it’s a risk factor that can easily be abated — your cholesterol level. It turns out that high LDL cholesterol could be putting you at risk for Alzheimer’s…

Joyce Hollman

Aspirin may not be as dangerous as we thought

Aspirin continues to be routinely prescribed to patients at risk of heart disease. But research is starting to question whether this is OK for everyone. If you’ve been regularly popping an aspirin, particularly if you are at high risk of stroke or have had a stroke, you’ll want to pay close attention…