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Brain Health

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Margaret Cantwell

The hidden hypertension threat hurting women

Breast cancer is a dreaded disease. But there is something else dangerous about breast cancer — and other female-related diseases… They can mask symptoms and make it hard for a doctor to recognize the high and unique risks that women face from diseases that they feel are outside of the realm of our sex.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Weed or alcohol: Which is worse for your brain?

You may think that you’re as healthy as you can be and that you’re at lower risk for things like dementia and Alzheimer’s than someone who regularly lights up a joint. After all, alcohol is legal and if you consume it responsibly, what could you have to fear?

Jenny Smiechowski

Can a cocktail clear away toxic brain waste?

Recent research has shown alcohol can damage your DNA, shorten telomeres and increase your risk for atrial fibrillation… not to mention seven different kinds of cancer. So there’s no question that drinking a lot is bad. But a little just might work like a beneficial brain tonic…

Joyce Hollman

7 ways to avoid airborne Alzheimer’s

It’s no secret air pollution affects your lungs. Breathing the toxic chemicals that spew from factories and vehicle exhaust causes chronic respiratory disease, emphysema, not to mention lung cancer. What you may not know is how it can give you Alzheimer’s…

Jenny Smiechowski

Do you believe Alzheimer’s is in your future? Here’s why you may be right

I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept of a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” Well, science keeps showing there’s some truth to it, especially when it comes to your health. What you believe about aging and disease can either keep you healthy or set you up for sickness…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The best food to protect against stroke and dementia

The rate of Alzheimer’s disease in our country is skyrocketing. Luckily, researchers have discovered a diet that not only helps prevent Alzheimer’s but can even help ward off dementia in stroke survivors, who are twice as likely as the general population to develop dementia…


Joyce Hollman

Is it depression… or cancer?

People with depression are often stigmatized. Slowly, light is being shed on the fact that depression is, in fact, an illness, just like any other. It can also be a signal that other things are wrong with the body: vitamin deficiencies, hormonal imbalances… even cancer. Here’s one woman’s story…

Joyce Hollman

2 steps to start lowering your Alzheimer’s risk today

New, exciting Alzheimer’s research is pointing to new and better treatments. But, not only that, the findings of two recent studies provide a pretty solid clue to an effective strategy you can implement yourself to help stave off the disease, long before it begins…

Joyce Hollman

The right way to eat your way out of depression

The idea that what we eat affects our energy and mental state has been around for a while. For example, we know that serotonin, the neurotransmitter that affects our moods, is manufactured in the gut. Now, we have more solid evidence that we can control depression by choosing our food more carefully…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

3 top nutrients to guard against memory loss

My husband’s grandmother died from Alzheimer’s and, by the time she passed, she was only a shadow of herself, with not a single memory of her family. She was in her 70s when we first noticed things were not quite right. But, sadly, dementia can strike at a much younger age…

Jedha Dening

4 dementia-causing drugs to avoid (slideshow)

If it’s not shocking enough that dementia kills more people than breast and prostate cancer combined, how about this… You may be taking a common medication right now that increases your risk of developing dementia by as much as 54 percent!

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 ways to pump up your brain power in 10 minutes

Exercise provides powerful benefits when it comes to your brain and cognitive functions. But you don’t have to spend hours at the gym, sweat your way through an aerobics class or kill yourself trying to get in shape in order to get those big, brain-boosting benefits…