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Brain Health

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Joyce Hollman

Add 11 years to your brain

Mashed potatoes… stuffing… buttered biscuits… kale. One of those foods doesn’t belong on the list, right? But, including greens on your table regularly could help you hold on to your precious memories longer — like more than a decade!

Dr. Mark Wiley

Your brain on nuts

We know that nuts are super healthy. They’re high in flavonoids, vitamins, various minerals and dietary fiber. Nuts are like disease kryptonite. They’ve been shown to slow aging, fight cancer and strengthen immunity. Now research shows how nuts change your brain…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What your hair reveals about weight gain

Frazzled, tense, anxious, worried, wound up? Watch out. People with higher levels of stress have higher levels of a hormone in their hair that’s an indicator for obesity over time, including larger waist circumference and a higher body mass index…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why stress affects women like a bad diet

If you’re suffering from poor digestion, depression or anxiety, it could all start with your gut. That’s because, while we all know that a poor diet is unhealthy, researchers have found that stress may be just as harmful to a woman’s body as a really bad diet…

Joyce Hollman

Sleep on your side to diminish Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Picture a fish tank without a filter. Before too long, sludge and slime build up, and the fish die. Your brain without sleep is like a fish tank without a filter. Until the last few years, scientists really didn’t understand just how your brain cleans up after itself. Now, they do.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is your weight putting you at risk for Alzheimer’s?

According to a new study, you may have even more reason than ever to want to eat right and get in shape. That’s because that spare tire around your middle, along with those love handles, could be putting you at risk for Alzheimer’s disease…


Jenny Smiechowski

The oil that cooks up Alzheimer’s

When it comes to choosing a healthy cooking oil, there’s one oil that’s easy to get confused about—canola oil. Efforts to market canola oil as a health food have led to mixed messages that might have you wondering… Should you embrace canola oil or avoid it?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

This ‘feel good’ supplement reduces migraine attacks and pain

Five million migraine sufferers have at least one attack monthly. If you’re one of them, you should know about the supplement that not only reduces inflammation, but has also been shown to boost the release of serotonin and dopamine — “feel good chemicals” that help prevent migraines…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

When a light switch can really turn off your stress

Chronic stress is associated with a multitude of health problems, including heart disease and diabetes. And prescription anxiety drugs come with side effects like dizziness, fatigue and weight gain. But what if you could literally flip a switch, a light switch, to turn off the stress?

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

3+ ways to gift yourself less holiday stress

The holiday season often brings unwelcome guests — and no, I’m not talking about friends and family that come in from out of town… I’m talking about stress and anxiety. The holidays present a dizzying array of demands — parties, shopping, cleaning, baking and entertaining, just to name a few.

Jenny Smiechowski

Biweekly yoga gives you a bigger brain

If you do yoga, you may have noticed that yoga changes your thoughts, mood and emotions for the better. So it’s got to be doing something inside that noggin of yours, right? Well, it absolutely is. It’s actually altering the physical structure of your brain…

Dr. Mark Wiley

The mind hack that makes things better

The smell of pie in the oven can trigger strong feelings from another time and place… proof of the mind’s ability to associate and affect a reaction from a cue. Now, imagine a cue that stops your arthritis pain, a migraine attack or self-defeating thoughts. Here’s how to do it…