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Brain Health

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surest way to a nimble brain

Memory loss and cognition problems are anything but normal. We all know people who are sharp as a tack well into their 90s. And, you’ve probably even wondered what their secret is. Well, it turns out that the secret to a nimble brain is a…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are ketones key to staving off Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s is being called “type 3 diabetes” because of the way the brain cells of victims die from their inability to use glucose for energy. That’s why an alternative fuel source may save your brain.

Dr. Mark Wiley

The 8 biggest headache myths

When it comes to making a health plan that works and sticking to it, you must also avoid the pitfalls. And when it comes to a subject as complex as headaches and migraines, it’s important to separate myth from fact…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to release your natural anti-anxiety ‘drug’

If you struggle with anxiety, you know it’s debilitating. Your brain is like a little chemical factory. It’s constantly churning out chemicals that affect how your body and mind function — that includes chemicals that could cure your chronic anxiety…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How a balanced diet beats weight loss for boosting happiness

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking, “If I could just lose 10… 20… or even 30 pounds, then I’ll be happy.” But, it turns out that there is something far more powerful than weight loss when it comes to feeling better — a balanced diet.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Turmeric to fine-tune your memory

Indian cuisine is notable for its liberal use of turmeric, a bright yellow spice that comes from the root of a plant in the ginger family. It’s quite aromatic. But many people are now beginning to understand that it’s a must for brain health.


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Halt migraines with the happy hormone

The pounding in your head… The sensitivity to light and noise that makes you want to bury your head under the covers for days… and the nauseating dizziness… These are the debilitating symptoms of a migraine.

Craig Cooper

How men can change their outlook about stress for the best

Are our beliefs about stress relief and the dangers of stress off base? It may not be stress itself that’s causing all the problems, but our belief that stress is inherently bad. It’s all about perception… and it can spell the difference between dying at a younger age and living to a ripe old age.

Jenny Smiechowski

Fuel and grow your brain with blueberries

The older you get, the smaller your brain gets… And your memory and cognitive abilities tend to shrink a long with it. That is, unless, you do something to stop this age-related brain shrinkage…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Omega-3s: Thanks for the memories

With age, you lose omega-3 content from brain cells. Although your mind requires these fatty acids, your body can’t make them. You have to get them from external sources, and omega-3s are one way…

Jenny Smiechowski

The easiest, quickest way to get out of the dumps

Does the grayness of winter, an unfulfilling job, a disappointing relationship or just a bad day bring you down? Well, there may be a sure-fire way to improve your mood quickly, without a lot of fanfare, prescriptions or counseling sessions…

Jenny Smiechowski

The 14-day ‘Eat more’ intervention for health and happiness

What if you could increase your happiness, vitality and motivation in just two weeks by making one small tweak to your diet? Would you try it? What if I told you this one small change could completely overhaul your mind and body? And here’s the best part…