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Breast Cancer

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Jenny Smiechowski

The Puerto Rican delicacy that lowers breast cancer risk 67 percent

There are two ingredients Puerto Ricans eat far more than other Americans do. In fact, it’s not uncommon for them to eat these flavorful foods every single day. What effect does eating so many amazing alliums have on Puerto Ricans? It may be why they’re way less likely to get breast cancer than us mainlanders.

Amanda Luft

4 simple ways to reduce your risk of breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and the second most common cause of cancer death in women. That’s the bad news. The good news is that simple lifestyle changes can go a long way in reducing your risk of breast cancer…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why high blood pressure means a bigger breast cancer risk

When you think about the risks associated with high blood pressure, what’s the first one that comes to mind? For me, it’s heart attacks. After heart attacks, it’s strokes. But down the list of high blood pressure-related risks, there’s another noteworthy risk I never knew about…

Jenny Smiechowski

Should you use aspirin therapy to prevent Alzheimer’s, heart disease and breast cancer?

Most of your life, you’ve used aspirin to minimize everyday ailments… To fend off a splitting headache. To ease aching joints. To make a bad back bearable. But word on the street is, aspirin has much grander talents than that.

Joyce Hollman

A test that could reduce worry for breast cancer survivors

Drug and chemotherapy treatments for early-stage cancer have become more successful in recent years. Up to 30 percent of women show no signs of cancer following chemo. But how do they know their cancer has truly gone into remission so they can live without that terrible worry hanging over their head?

Gena Hymowech

The meat that cuts your breast cancer risk

Meat gets quite the bad rap these days. Most experts tell us we need to eat less — if any at all — to avoid some of the scarier diseases… like heart disease and cancer. They also tell us that those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet live much longer and healthier lives than meat eaters. Now, I swore off red meat a while back. It made me feel “off.” But chicken… that’s my weakness.


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Sugary drinks raise overall cancer risk, and then some for breast cancer

By now we all know that sugary drinks are no friend to good health. At the same time, most of us have a guilty pleasure… Mine is Big Red. I simply love that bubbly red soda. Should I be worried? I try to limit my consumption to only once in a while, so I’m thinking “no harm, no foul” there, right? WRONG.

Joyce Hollman

What every man needs to know about his breast cancer risk

You may never have even considered the fact that men can get breast cancer. But breast cancer is breast cancer, folks, regardless of gender. It operates pretty much the same way and can kill anyone. But men can also be survivors, provided they know the signs, take action, and don’t let stigma stop them…

Joyce Hollman

The breast cancer survivor’s diet

About 41,400 women will die of breast cancer in the coming year. As the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women, it’s no wonder research efforts are ongoing and intense. The possibility that dietary choices influence whether a woman will get breast cancer has been a large part of that research…

Jenny Smiechowski

30 foods that pack a punch against postmenopausal breast cancer

During menopause, everything about your body (and life) is in flux… Your risk for breast cancer increases after 40 and keeps going up. It’s at its highest after your 70th birthday. Luckily, a new study just identified a plant compound that can help keep you breast cancer-free during those midlife changes and beyond…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3-D mammography casts doubt on “end date” for cancer screening of older women

While some groups recommend that all women, no matter their age, get a yearly mammogram, the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends that once you hit 74, screening can stop for good. But, is that true? And, if you should continue to be screened, is traditional mammography your best choice?

Jenny Smiechowski

The surest way to make cancer treatment resistant and help it spread

There’s nothing more stressful than getting diagnosed with a serious disease… especially if that disease comes with as much baggage as cancer. The second your doctor delivers your test results (or even mentions cancer as a possibility), you switch into fight-or-flight mode. That can really hurt your chances…