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Breast Cancer

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Jedha Dening

A tablespoon of olive oil a day could keep breast cancer away

As women, we know breast cancer risk is real… besides skin cancer, it’s the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer, with 85 percent of cases occurring due to lifestyle-related genetic mutations. In walks olive oil to the rescue…

Jenny Smiechowski

The best foods to prevent the worst breast cancer

Triple-negative breast cancer is highly aggressive. And it’s especially known for its ability to spread to other areas of the body and come back after a period of remission. An all-natural compound in foods may help prevent it…

Easy Health Options Staff

Use your toothbrush to fight cancer

We tend to separate our mouths from our bodies. By that I mean, that we don’t consider the issues that arise in our mouths to have any significant impact on our overall health. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Easy Health Options Staff

Give your DNA the edge over cancer

Have you heard of epigenetics? Sounds like science fiction, right? It’s definitely science, but the reason this is important is that the study of epigenetics is the study of why your DNA is not your destiny.

Margaret Cantwell

10 ways to reduce your risk of breast cancer

With or without pink ribbons to remind you, the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign has done a very good job of getting the message of early screening across. So what I’m going to say about mammograms may surprise you… If you’re relying on them to save you from breast cancer you could be in trouble…

Easy Health Options Staff

Breast cancer vs exercise: Which one wins?

About 1 in every 8 women will suffer breast cancer in their lifetime. But a study shows that most women don’t do the one thing that can help flip the odds of surviving in their favor.


Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Putting breast cancer on the offensive

Based on the latest scientific research, many different compounds and nutrients have shown success in the fight against breast cancer. Combining these nutrients in a strategic protocol maybe the best way to attack.

Easy Health Options Staff

The daily habit that may keep breast cancer away

So much research has come forward touting the health benefits of coffee. A team of scientists decided to compare the coffee-drinking habits of a subset of women without breast cancer to a group of women with the disease. What they found was interesting.

Easy Health Options Staff

Start this one thing today to feel 3-times better

Deciding to start anything new warrants consideration. Will it benefit you? Are there any cons? Am I going about this the best way possible? The same goes for deciding to make certain life changes as we age. Sometimes we wonder if it’s just too late to make a difference.

Easy Health Options Staff

The hunger-fighting diet that stops cancer

Excess estrogen in our environment is a threat that’s causing breast cancer … but there’s another hormonal imbalance that increases breast cancer risk.

Easy Health Options Staff

A simple cure for modern cancer?

We live in a world where everything we eat and use pushes us toward estrogen dominance. Meanwhile, many newer studies now show that estrogen, specifically estradiol, increases the risk for and actually causes breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Easy Health Options Staff

Powerful secret beats cancer at its own game

A great quote I’ve seen making its way through social media is this one by Maya Angelou: Bitterness is like cancer. It eats up the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it clean. There’s more truth in that statement than most of us probably realize.