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Colon Cancer

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Jenny Smiechowski

The cancer-fighting nut that heals your gut

Researchers found this nut has an extremely positive effect on your gut microbiome: it reduces your risk of colon cancer. So if you’re ready to make a small change that will have a big impact on your health, eat more…

Easy Health Options Staff

How to send cancer on a permanent vacation

What are you doing for vacation this year? Instead of worrying over where to go or what to do, think about this: Commit to making these few simple changes and send your risk of cancer on a permanent vacation — in as little as two weeks…

Easy Health Options Staff

Your antipasto has anticancer potential

Olives are a staple of the Mediterranean diet and an ingredient in a traditional favorite: antipasto salad. While the health benefits of olive oil are often touted, we seldom hear much about the small, tasty fruit of the tree itself. Until now…

Easy Health Options Staff

Too young for colon cancer? Think again

Colorectal cancer is a disease that mostly strikes older adults. It lies in wait and crops up when you think you’ve done all the right things — because you’ve made it into your 70s (or will, hopefully) avoiding it. Then… bam! But are you really doing all the right things?

Craig Cooper

10 cancer symptoms men should not ignore

Men may think they’re tougher than women, but they’re not, especially when it comes to cancer. Men are at a greater risk of developing and dying from cancer than are women. One factor contributing to these statistics is the fact that men are less likely to see a doctor or seek medical help.

Carl Lowe

The unripe fruit that undoes cancer

Eating a lot of meat without consuming fruits and vegetables makes you more vulnerable to colorectal cancer. But you can lower your risk if you eat a specific fruit readily available at every supermarket. There’s just one condition: you have to eat it a certain way to get its cancer-fighting superpower…