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Prostate Cancer

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Craig Cooper

These men reduced their prostate cancer risk three-fold

Want to avoid prostate cancer? You can feel better, possibly lose weight, and reduce your risk of prostate cancer and other health problems common in American men.

Craig Cooper

Fish oil may delay prostate cancer progression

Men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer may want to consider increasing the amount of fish oil in their diet. New research indicates that fish oil may delay prostate cancer progression by affecting the immune system.

Craig Cooper

How omega-3 fish oils fight prostate cancer

The findings of a new review suggest that dietary omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil fight prostate cancer on several levels.

Craig Cooper

Prostate cancer: How real is your risk?

The symptoms of an enlarged prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH, can put a significant cramp in your lifestyle. They can also leave you concerned about the possibility of cancer. But how concerned should you be?

Craig Cooper

Does testosterone increase my prostate cancer risk?

A persistent concern that is still hanging over the heads of many men is whether testosterone can cause prostate cancer. Here’s a news bulletin: it’s not T you should be worrying about…

Craig Cooper

Should you worry if your doctor doesn’t treat your prostate cancer?

You’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer, and your doctor suggests something called “watchful waiting.” Once you hear that your physician is suggesting you forego medication or another treatment for prostate cancer for now, should you be relieved or worried?