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Joyce Hollman

‘Menopause diet’ significantly reduces hot flashes and weight

The ‘M’ in menopause stands for miserable. Hot flashes at the most inopportune times during the day and relentless sleep robbers at night. If HRT isn’t for you, discover the diet that works as well and helped women drop an average of eight pounds…

Carolyn Gretton

DIM: The short answer to a long list of midlife ailments

In our 40s, our list of health concerns begins to grow. It doesn’t take long before that shortlist gets longer and longer. It would be easy to get overwhelmed trying to rein them all in, unless you’re familiar with one powerful phytonutrient that tackles them all, including hormone imbalance, sluggish metabolism, immune health and so much more…

Carolyn Gretton

How eating late makes body fat ‘grow’

Most experts advise against midnight snacking if you want to maintain a healthy weight, partly because it causes an unhealthy spike in blood sugar. But there are three additional factors affected by late-night eating, and you’ll definitely want to avoid the one that makes your body fat grow…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The pill that increases blood clot risk 24x in obese women

For women, hormones can wreak havoc on the arteries, leading to dangerous, even life-threatening issues. And while some of these hormonal issues occur naturally, like during menopause, others not so much: like carrying extra weight and taking the wrong pills…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The diet that increases testosterone deficiency up to 60%

Experts estimate that between 20 and 50 percent of men in the U.S. are living with low testosterone. That means decreased libido and energy and increased disease risk. But what if your diet was the thing zapping your testosterone? Would you do something about it?

Joyce Hollman

The link between diabetes, UTIs and the hormone that helps

Diabetes can lead to complications, especially infections. In fact, diabetics are 10 times more likely to suffer urinary tract infections. And yes blood sugar is to blame for its impact on the innate immune system…


Joyce Hollman

Hormone found to stop a key trigger of Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease slowly steals a person’s physical and mental abilities. But research indicates a substance produced naturally by the body can be used to control the debilitating symptoms. And it’s a therapy that involves a hormone that’s simple to boost…

Carolyn Gretton

Does low testosterone really increase COVID-19 severity?

There are a lot of factors that appear to increase the odds of developing severe COVID-19. Studies have found connections between the illness and age, heart disease, diabetes, and deficiencies in vitamin D and zinc. And low levels of certain hormones seem to play a role as well …

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is exercise the secret to being skinny? Think again!

Have you ever looked at a thin person and assumed they must workout a lot? Because the secret to being thin is burning calories, right? The truth is thin people tend to be far less active than those of us with a few extra pounds. Turns out there’s something else up their sleeve…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The blood sugar problems that start after a COVID infection

If there’s anything you can say about Covid-19, it’s that it’s turned out to be a strange disease with far-reaching effects on the human body that experts are still discovering. If you’ve been infected, or suspect it, and never had blood sugar problems before, that could all change…

Carolyn Gretton

Low sex drive? It may be your thyroid

There are a lot of symptoms of low thyroid function. You may experience cold hands and feet, fatigue, headache, stiff or painful joints and depression, among other effects. But there’s another thyroid symptom affecting men and women we don’t talk about…

Carolyn Gretton

Low thyroid? Keep these 9 foods on your radar

If you’re suffering from unexplained weight gain, fatigue, thinning hair, stiff or painful joints, memory issues and increased sensitivity to cold, you may want to get your thyroid checked. Chances are, you’re suffering from low thyroid. Then take a good look at what you’re eating…