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Easy Health Options Staff

5 ways melatonin fights aging (besides better sleep)

Melatonin is an insomniac’s dream. But there are even more great reasons to supplement with melatonin: It just may be the single most powerful anti-aging supplement you can take.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The weird way you could get more vitamin D

You’ve probably heard how important getting enough vitamin D is to your health. In fact, the list of health problems that have now been linked to vitamin D deficiency is long and scary. But no worries… if extra time in the sun or supplements aren’t doing it for you, you might like this option…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Three spices for natural pain relief

We tend to think more in terms of nutritional supplements for health than we do food, let alone the herbs and spices we use to flavor our favorite dishes. And we think even less of food as a pain reliever. Yet, some flavor profiles play a major role in pain relief. Here are the best…

Margaret Cantwell

How to discover your body’s true age and dial it back

Age is one of the most accurate risk factors for death. An 80-year-old has a much higher risk of dying than a 30-year-old. We all know that. It’s just the way nature works. But did you know there’s a factor that predicts longevity better than age? And if you know it, you can dial it back…

Joyce Hollman

4 disease-fighting diets (and the one reason they work)

Science has studied traditional diets and found proof they work to keep minds sharp, bodies active and hearts healthy. So, which one is the best for you? To help you decide, here are four diets from different parts of the world and one thing that makes any of them work better for wellness…

Jenny Smiechowski

The painful post-cancer side effect no one talks about

Overcoming cancer is a major triumph. It’s like climbing Mount Everest or swimming across the Pacific Ocean. Nothing else you do in life will ever compare, because you faced death head on and beat it. But here’s the thing… Chronic pain is one of the most common but least talked about side effects of cancer.


Jenny Smiechowski

6 ways to tackle the serious side of varicose veins

Whether you’re self-conscious about your varicose veins or you don’t let a few veins get you down, you should know that varicose veins are more than a cosmetic issue. They could put you at risk for a potentially deadly health problem — blood clots.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The vitamin that could help cancer patients live longer

Cancer is an incredibly scary disease. It turns your body’s own cells against you until they grow out of control in a bid to steal your life. And, considering the fact that cancer is now the second leading cause of death in the U.S., far too many people are being forced to deal with the realities of the disease.

Jenny Smiechowski

The popular joint supplement with hidden heart benefits (and more!)

If you’ve ever struggled with stiff, achy joints, you’ve probably tried glucosamine supplements. They’re by far the most popular joint supplement around… If you’re dealing with your joint condition in other ways, you’re missing out. This supplement has more major benefits than you can shake a stick at…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why purple corn fights inflammation, obesity, diabetes and more

You’ve probably heard that corn causes inflammation, is hard to digest and is chock-full of GMOs. And there’s no denying that there are some downsides to corn. But here’s the thing… a new study shows that this colorful corn is an antioxidant powerhouse that fights disease…

Joyce Hollman

For strength, longevity and happiness, take a hike!

At first glance, walking and hiking may not seem that different. But the benefits of hiking are indeed measurably different from the benefits of a stroll around the block. Walking on flat terrain allows the body to just keep going without a lot of effort. But whichever you choose, there are benefits you can’t pass up…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Medicinal mint’s ancient healing secrets decoded in the lab

Have you ever noticed that the second scientists discover that a natural substance like an herb or plant can help promote better health or fight disease, they immediately begin using it to design a drug that pharmaceutical companies can sell for a ridiculously high profit?