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Joyce Hollman

4 tips for protecting your heart from menopause

Menopause is a time of life that many women dread. It is fraught not only with major changes but also health challenges. For women who have completed this journey, heart disease is the #1 killer. That needs to change…

William Davis

Nitric oxide: The pathway to better blood vessels, blood pressure and blood flow

Have you heard of nitric oxide? It’s a key biological signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system so important, its discovery earned a Nobel Prize. It helped make a little blue pill famous, but what it can do for blood pressure, blood flow and blood vessels is where NO truly shines…

Joyce Hollman

The ties between vitamin D and dementia thicken

Little has been researched more than vitamin D’s relationship to brain health. In fact, a search of medical databases will pull thousands of hits on this dementia repellent. So why do researchers keep going back for more? If there could be a magic pill, vitamin D may be the closest we get…

Joyce Hollman

Menopause: Why some women have it worse

Menopause is hard enough. The hot flashes and night sweats can make life miserable, not to mention the unmentionables…UTIs, dryness and a vanishing libido. But some women have it a lot worse, and now we know why…

Margaret Cantwell

Molecule ‘switch’ programs cancer cells to self-destruct

As long as research into treating cancer has gone on, there are still just a handful of therapies oncologists rely on. Even when used together, cells can become resistant and the treatment can cause significant harm. But switching on cancer’s self-destruct switch is closer than you think…

Carolyn Gretton

Blood work differences reveal why some live to 100

There’s been much speculation as to why some people live to 100 and beyond. But why wonder when you can compare the blood work of centenarians against their shorter-lived counterparts and see the specific biomarkers linked to exceptional longevity…


Joyce Hollman

Insulin resistance: Early signs and ditching the diabetes danger

Insulin resistance isn’t a disease state. It is an early warning, though, that if things don’t change, that’s exactly where you body’s headed. But if you’re only focusing on food and weight loss, you missing some very important pieces of the puzzle…

Joyce Hollman

Zinc link to diabetes may lead to new therapies

Increasing zinc intake improves blood glucose control in people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. And now that research has clarified this link, a potential new therapy target may do that and more, including reducing the fatty liver disease that tags along with blood sugar trouble…

Joyce Hollman

Another major study confirms: Multivitamins slow cognitive decline

Clinical trials have already shown multivitamins can help reduce cognitive decline. Now findings not only confirm they can improve memory performance by years, but why people with heart problems should be especially excited about this research…

Jenny Smiechowski

6 ways to reignite your youthful energy

You used to run mini-marathons in the morning, work a full-time job, catch a late show with friends and still have energy to spare. But now you need to take a nap after grocery shopping and doing a load of laundry. What happened?

Joyce Hollman

Joint supplement ingredient fights MS better than approved therapy

Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating autoimmune disease that attacks the central nervous system. As more people are diagnosed, the current therapy isn’t cutting it. But research into a common supplement ingredient shows it may be possible to restore function in some patients…

Jedha Dening

5 reasons you need more folate over 50

The health problems certainly seem to stack-up on us as we age… And one reason is because of changes in the body that affect nutrient absorption. In mature adults, more commonly known deficiencies include vitamin D and B12. But folate is one nutrient that’s equally important and often forgotten. Here are 5 ways it can help you age better…