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Carolyn Gretton

The surprising reason behind red wine headaches

Why is it that red wine causes headaches in some people but not in others? Scientists investigating this phenomenon traced the culprit to a normally friendly flavanol that becomes the body’s foe when mixed with alcohol…

Joyce Hollman

The missing amino acid linked to depression

New research indicates that a deficiency in an amino acid could be part of what causes depression. But previous research has validated its importance in metabolism, heart health, immune function and even longevity. Are you getting enough?

Carolyn Gretton

3 ingredients that stop hot flashes, start weight loss in menopause

Menopause is not fun. Hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain… it all adds up to a really unpleasant time. But researchers have identified three key elements that can relieve the worst symptoms, and know exactly why they work…

Carolyn Gretton

The thyroid-poisoning additive in popular drinks

When it comes to dangerous food additives, European regulators have a lower threshold for what they consider an acceptable risk. The U.S. may finally catch up, at least when it comes to a thyroid-poisoning ingredient found in drinks more than half the population consumes daily…

Joyce Hollman

Two common conditions increasing pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is on the fast track to becoming the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Why? A common denominator in two common conditions turns cells cancerous, but there’s a way to throw a kink into the equation…

Carolyn Gretton

Astaxanthin: The antioxidant that challenges aging

“In the pink” is funny little phrase that’s come to describe someone in the peak of health, maybe because we associate pink cheeks or a glowing complexion with health and vitality. Whether that’s true or not, science shows what’s true about a certain pink nutrient. Discover this amazing antioxidant…


Joyce Hollman

8 steps to slow aging as much as six years

The American Heart Association has a running list on how to achieve optimal heart health. As a nation, we’ve got a lousy score. But an unexpected finding of adhering to this list doesn’t just mean a higher score… it can help you turn your age back as much as 6 years.

Joyce Hollman

The mineral that works like ‘insurance’ against dementia

If you’re health conscious, you might focus on getting important nutrients like vitamins through diet or by supplementing. But how much mind do you pay to minerals? There’s one that half of us are deficient in. Considering it just might be the best insurance against dementia, that’s a problem…

Joyce Hollman

4 tips for protecting your heart from menopause

Menopause is a time of life that many women dread. It is fraught not only with major changes but also health challenges. For women who have completed this journey, heart disease is the #1 killer. That needs to change…

William Davis

Nitric oxide: The pathway to better blood vessels, blood pressure and blood flow

Have you heard of nitric oxide? It’s a key biological signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system so important, its discovery earned a Nobel Prize. It helped make a little blue pill famous, but what it can do for blood pressure, blood flow and blood vessels is where NO truly shines…

Joyce Hollman

The ties between vitamin D and dementia thicken

Little has been researched more than vitamin D’s relationship to brain health. In fact, a search of medical databases will pull thousands of hits on this dementia repellent. So why do researchers keep going back for more? If there could be a magic pill, vitamin D may be the closest we get…

Joyce Hollman

Menopause: Why some women have it worse

Menopause is hard enough. The hot flashes and night sweats can make life miserable, not to mention the unmentionables…UTIs, dryness and a vanishing libido. But some women have it a lot worse, and now we know why…