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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The heavy metal making your allergies worse

Living with allergies, you might think that the sneezing, runny nose, coughing, irritated stomach and more are just a normal part of everyday life. Hold on to your socks. if you’ve noticed they’re worse than they used to be, it’s likely a sign of your exposure to a dangerous and ever-growing heavy metal contaminant…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to get more from your vitamins

Are you among the 80 percent of Americans supplementing? Most of us realize that to feel better, have more energy, fight the ravages of time and avoid chronic conditions, nutrition matters. But are you making these 13 mistakes that can sabotage this healthy habit?

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘survival switch’ fructose flips to make us fat

Summer is almost over. And with winter just around the corner, you’ll want to give up the one thing that can make you pack on the pounds like a hibernating bear. And no, it isn’t a stew or casserole that’s the culprit…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee shown to decrease your Parkinson’s risk

Parkinson’s disease can progress quickly, stealing bits and pieces of your life as it marches on. There’s no cure — only treatments. News of a study that has found potent Parkinson’s protection in your daily cup of coffee was a must-read for me…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How time-restricted eating can change your genes

Time-restricted eating could mean skipping meals for a day. Or just eating every day during an 8 or 9 hour period. I like the latter. But one thing’s for sure: It could be one of the best things for your health, say scientists who saw how it effects 70 percent of genes…

Joyce Hollman

The diet that sheds pounds and keeps your brain from shrinking

Studies have shown it doubles weight loss, slows brain aging and brain atrophy and decreases liver fat. It could be the one diet to answer all our problems. Here’s how to go “green” for a big brain and slimmer waist and liver…


Carolyn Gretton

The omega-3 fatty acid that essentially blocks pain

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids your body can’t make. Without them, you could be in a world of hurt if you don’t consume enough, not just because they’re essential for life, but because research is zeroing in on how one in particular blocks pain signals…

Carolyn Gretton

More proof olive oil is what your brain needs

If you’ve not embraced olive oil yet, what’s the hold up? It’s packed with taste and health benefits that decades of studies are bringing to our attention. And what it can do to safeguard your brain keeps coming up again and again. Now, we can add reduced risk of death to the list…

Joyce Hollman

6 foods for a healthier heart and longer life

It seems that too much advice only warns us off foods that are unhealthy, when all we need is some simple advice, including food swaps, that can help us choose what to put on our plates every day to avoid the number one killer of Americans and add years to our lives. Well, here you go…

Jedha Dening

For lowest BP, eat your beets this way

Beets are a root vegetable we love for their bright purple flesh and pleasing sweet flavor. And if you’ve beat around the bush for a while, you might be aware that beets help your body produce a heart-healthy compound called nitric oxide. Here’s how to get the most of it…

Carolyn Gretton

That low-fat dairy advice has more holes than Swiss cheese

Cheese and other whole-fat dairy foods have endured a bad rap for far too long. Considering it’s one of six foods linked to longevity, experts are calling for a re-evaluation of low-fat recommendations and have proof the old advice has more holes than a hefty slice of Swiss cheese.

Carolyn Gretton

How purple produce pushes back at blood sugar problems

The anthocyanins found in purple, blue and red plants pack a powerful punch against a host of inflammatory-related conditions and blood sugar issues. But researchers digging deeper into the impact of these powerful antioxidants have discovered an interesting quirk as to why they’re so effective at reducing diabetes risk…