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Healthy Diet

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Margaret Cantwell

The major heart disease warning this diet sends your gut

It’s a diet some call life-changing. There are more than a few studies that show its effect on health is purely positive. It helps balance blood sugar, reverse serious autoimmune disorders, and even shed stubborn pounds. But the results of a new study throw a scary prospect on the table.

Joyce Hollman

6+ super antioxidants that stop inflammation cold

As with many health problems, the good news is that our eating habits can reverse and control this process. Here are half a dozen of the foods and herbs you can include in your diet to help stop and even prevent chronic inflammation from taking hold.

Jenny Smiechowski

What coffee really does to your cancer risk

When it comes to coffee and cancer, you get a lot of mixed messages. Several studies show coffee can reduce the risk of different cancers. Yet, there was that controversy last year requiring coffee shops to post carcinogen warnings. A new study shows that you can drink your coffee without a single cancer-related thought crossing your mind.

Joyce Hollman

Choosing the right wine for your healthier lifestyle

People who drink wine moderately have lower rates of heart attacks and diabetes, live longer and have healthier brains. There are hundreds of studies that show this. However, not all wines are created equal. So, how do you go about finding a wine that offers you the best health benefits possible?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Got milk? 3 reasons your answer should be ‘yes’

Milk’s benefits have been hotly debated over the last decade. But a review of 14 scientific papers points to solid evidence that milk and dairy in your diet provide some hefty health benefits you don’t want to go without — especially if you want to avoid some of the biggest disease risks of our time…

Jenny Smiechowski

Should you go low-carb to keep your brain sharp?

Younger generations have gone all-in on low-carb diets like keto and paleo. But what if you’re in the over 60-set? There is some new evidence that this diet could have big benefits for older adults who embrace it… especially if your memory and thinking skills aren’t what they used to be…


Dr. Michael Cutler

How does the newest fake sweetener on the block stack up?

In a previous report I pointed out some of the scientific literature evidence of the harmful effects of aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal), saccharin, and sucralose (Splenda). Now let’s look at the new and improved aspartame called Neotame, and then a quick look at the others: acesulfame-K, cyclamate and alitame.

Joyce Hollman

The best diet for your body and your planet

There really isn’t much doubt that the standard American diet is killing a lot of us slowly. And some, very quickly. And, as if this weren’t bad enough, these dietary choices are killing our planet at the same time. But the planetary health diet could solve all of these problems. Good news is that it’s pretty flexible…

Jenny Smiechowski

Does coffee fight or fuel your heart disease risk?

Sometimes, caffeine makes you feel like Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic… king of the world! But drink too much, and you get anxious, jittery and it feels like your heart’s beating out of your chest. It’s common knowledge that coffee increases heart rate. But how does a daily cup impact your ticker over the long term?

Joyce Hollman

10 foods with sneaky natural toxins you should avoid

If you’re a pet owner, you probably know there are certain foods and plants that can kill your dog or cat if they swallow them. And, if you’re a parent, you definitely have a list of foods that your child should never eat. But as a healthy adult, there are also foods that are surprisingly toxic to you. Avoid these 10…

Dr. Michael Cutler

8 ways artificial sweeteners harm your body

I’ve read conflicting information about the safety of artificial sweeteners. Still, I have always told my patients that diet sodas are worse for them than anything. Let me share why I still say this, and which fake sweeteners you should always avoid based on what the science shows about their safety. 

Jenny Smiechowski

Why pomegranate can keep your muscles young and healthy

I’m all about thinking age-positive… I don’t think older people are senile and feeble. I don’t freak out about every fine line or gray hair. And I absolutely hate when anyone tries to put you in a box based on your age… whether you’re 30, 60 or 90. That being said, I want to age as best I can.