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Carolyn Gretton

The alarming truth about ‘forever chemicals’ and your skin

Our skin protects us from the outside world. But there are some things it can’t defend against. Known to enter the body through air, food or water, sneaky “forever chemicals” lurking in personal care products, furniture and more also have an open door through your skin.

Carolyn Gretton

Microplastics are building up in blood clots

Research into the impact of microplastics on our health is still in its early days. But so far, the evidence is alarming, including the presence of microplastics in arterial plaques. Now researchers are finding microplastic blood clots deep inside the body…

Joyce Hollman

13 ways to make the holidays safe for your pet

Having a pet is not only heart-warming, it’s good for you. So it’s only fair we protect our pets and keep them safe, too. This can be especially challenging during the holiday season. Here are more than a dozen tips for making the season safe for your furry friends.

Joyce Hollman

The indestructible toxin attacking your immune system

PFAS are “forever chemicals” that poison your drinking water and sneak into your body via furniture, clothing, take-out and dental floss, too. They’re hard to avoid. And now we know how they cause disease: by destroying the most important parts of our immune system…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Green cleaning’s not-so-green harmful chemical link

When it comes to living healthy in a polluted world, most of us will go out of our way. That may mean choosing organic produce or grass-fed beef. But when it comes to green cleaning, it looks like most of us are paying a premium for a false sense of security.

Joyce Hollman

The health and relationship benefits of a sleep divorce

A sleep divorce may not sound like a good thing. But sleeping separately could be great for your relationship. Here’s what experts say about the pros and cons and how to approach it so it’s a successful strategy for you, your partner, your relationship and your health.


Carolyn Gretton

Microplastic discovered in artery-clogging plaques

Plaque buildup clogs arteries and can lead to stroke and heart attack. This nasty mixture consists of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste, calcium and fibrin. But a shocking new ingredient seen in surgically removed plaques may make them even more dangerous.

Joyce Hollman

Remove microplastics from water in your own kitchen

Microplastics are inescapable. They invade pretty much every system in the body and ferry other toxins in. But when they’re in our food and water what can we do? Reduce them by 90 percent right in your kitchen, no special equipment needed…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How concerning is news about lead in Stanley cups?

Drinking water is a healthy habit — one that’s made tumblers popular for keeping it cold and tracking how much we drink. But headlines implying some cups contain lead could make you wonder if your healthy habit has been sabotaged. Here’s why that cup may be the least of your worries…

Carolyn Gretton

How formaldehyde reprograms our cells for cancer

Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence. That’s how lifestyle habits can turn bad genes around, and now how we know that formaldehyde can give you cancer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The products releasing hundreds of chemicals into your home

A clean home doesn’t just make you feel good. It can help you stay healthy. But the cleaning products most of us use are proven to emit hundreds of hazardous chemicals, even known carcinogens. Does “green” cleaning help? With one exception…

Joyce Hollman

Toilet seat or pillowcase: Which holds more infectious germs?

What do you think is the dirtiest place in your house? The bathroom or the bedroom? Both have their issues, but if you guessed bathroom, you’ll be shocked to learn a germ-filled slumber can expose you to an exponentially higher risk of dangerous bacteria…