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Jenny Smiechowski

The heavy metal hiding in your spice rack

In recent decades, we’ve done a good job of reducing lead in our homes. Paint and pipes (in newer homes at least) are pretty much lead free. But several popular spices resting innocently in your spice rack could still be increasing your lead exposure…

Joyce Hollman

Make your winter home a haven, not a hazard zone

As it gets colder, we spend more and more time indoors, snuggled in blankets or sitting in front of fireplaces. And the fact is, our efforts to keep warm and celebrate the winter holidays can pose some serious risks. Here are some fire-safe tips to help you enjoy your winter and holidays safely…

Jenny Smiechowski

5 ways dangerous pesticides are entering your home

We use more than a billion pounds of pesticides per year in the U.S. alone. While we’d all like to think pesticides don’t affect the people, animals and plants they’re not intended for, we know better. Those chemicals move and drift…and find their way into your home. Here’s where to look…

Joyce Hollman

Asbestos: It’s back and as dangerous as ever

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral. And it’s dangerous as heck… a known carcinogen responsible for malignant mesothelioma and the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans. That’s why it was banned decades ago. So how is it making a comeback?

Holly Klamer

8 reasons every senior should have a pet

Pets provide a form of unconditional love and support that can be incredibly beneficial to seniors, particularly seniors who aren’t able to socialize as much as they’d like. That’s because the bond between a human and pet can be incredibly healthy…

Joyce Hollman

5 kinds of black mold (and where they hide)

If you’ve ever gone into your basement and smelled that musty, damp basement smell, there’s a good chance that with each sniff you’re breathing in a substance that can be at best unhealthy and at worst deadly.


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 everyday things that can give you cancer

Most of us feel we don’t have much control when it comes to cancer prevention. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, you can take a look around your home and find these five everyday things that affect your cancer risk right now…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are you cooking up cancer on the stove top?

Old habits die hard. That’s why a lot of people are still using non-stick pans. But it’s time to set the record straight. Not only are you cooking up cancer but cholesterol, liver inflammation and thyroid problems, too!

Joyce Hollman

7 ways dog owners are healthier and live longer

Most people fall into two major camps when it comes to pet ownership: cat people or dog people. But dogs inspire a dynamic that carries with it very real perks for both physical and mental health. Here are 7 proven ways that having a dog can make life better…

Joyce Hollman

Keep your kitchen germ-free without destroying the planet or your health

Anyone concerned with the environment uses cloth dish towels, not paper. There’s just one problem: dish towels are hotbeds of disease-causing germs. So, how do you keep your kitchen sanitary without contributing to the destruction of the planet — and your health?

Cara McCarthy

7 Smart tips to eat healthy on a budget

One way to stretch your dollar is to make sure the produce you buy doesn’t spoil before it’s eaten. Another way is to consider store brands, many of which are just as nutritious as their full-priced competitors. Here are 7 tips to get you started.

Joyce Hollman

Are you aging in the ‘right’ place? Here’s how to know

I’m looking at old age from a comfortable distance. But I’m realizing some adjustments to my home are necessary if I want to remain here independently for another decade or two. If you’re “of a certain age” and want to live in the home you love, here are some things to consider…