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Margaret Cantwell

Is your medicine a prescription for amnesia?

My first memory was waking up, and slowly realizing my family surrounded my bed. I didn’t understand why they were asking if I was ok. And I didn’t remember the evening before. I threw the pill bottle out that very day and never had it refilled. The last thing I needed was a prescription for amnesia.

Jenny Smiechowski

Processed meat’s disease links stretch from cancer to asthma

Heart disease, cancer and now asthma. Just think of processed meat as the cat burglar of your health and vitality, stealthily stealing it away while you’re busy doing other things… like eating a hot dog, a bologna sandwich, bacon or corned beef.

Dr. Brad Cutler

A guide to healthier holiday toasts

You’ve been invited to another holiday party, and you know alcohol will be available in many forms and in large quantities. If you are going to imbibe, there are a few things to think about to make sure your evening is fun and safe — and your long-term health is not compromised…

Easy Health Options Staff

Frankenfish: Lab-to-table salmon presents risky unknowns

A new organism that has never before appeared on planet earth is about to hit your dinner table… but you’ll never know. Because no one has to tell you that you’re eating it.

Jenny Smiechowski

Beware: Your cell phone’s emitting toxic gas

Technology is everywhere. It’s practically unavoidable nowadays. And there’s no denying these devices make your life easier and more entertaining in a lot of ways… but they also come with hidden health dangers.

Easy Health Options Staff

Women can stand up to this threat easier than men

You knew that sitting too much could lead to health problems like obesity and diabetes. And then came news that sitting too much increased your risk of premature death, period. In know, I know — enough with the dangers of sitting already, right? Just one more thing…


Easy Health Options Staff

The other scary cancer-causing foods

Are you giving up meat now that experts are telling you it causes cancer? I’m not saying I disagree with them at all. But something else is really puzzling me about people’s reactions to the news… and that’s why didn’t they react to this other threat the same way?

Dr. Michael Cutler

Treating herbicide buildup in your body

There’s an herbicide you’re continually being exposed to, if you don’t make some changes. It’s taken up residency in your body… but you’re not doomed. If you want to see for yourself, you can be tested. Or you can go straight for healing your body…

Easy Health Options Staff

Farmers sue Monsanto claiming RoundUp® causes cancer

Controversy tends to engulf Monsanto, the notorious agrochemical giant. One of the most vociferous debates concerns the safety of Monsanto products, including genetically modified seeds and RoundUp® herbicide.

Jenny Smiechowski

There’s something seriously fishy about your fish dinner

Fish, especially salmon, are brain food, and for that reason alone, scores of people are making an effort to get more in their diets. But even if you’re committed to eating more fish for your health, there’s something fishy working against you…

Jenny Smiechowski

Rocket-fueled water is spreading across the country

If you’re still relying on unfiltered tap water to stay hydrated, you may want to reconsider. Because there’s a very good chance you’re getting more than a sip of cancer-causing chemicals with every swig you take…

Dr. Terry Wahls

Problem solved: Healthy people = healthy country

Creating more health is the most effective way to reduce health care costs, maintain a robust workforce, and reduce the disease-related drag on our economy.