
Joyce Hollman

11 exotic superfruits with supersized nutrition

Instead of dreaming of tropical islands this winter, why not try some exotic fruits that hail from warmer climates? Here are 11 exotic “superfruits” that are fun to try, and packed with enough nutritional power to dispel the winter doldrums and most anything else that ails you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Best reason to exercise: rebuilding your body to live healthy longer

Aging means slowing down, doing less and retiring, right? Wrong! According to research from Harvard, if you’re taking it easier as the years pass, you’re missing out on processes in the body that can actually build your body back stronger and fight disease to help you live healthier and longer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Your body on carbs: Metabolic distress and accelerated aging

A good deal of research has shown long-term overconsumption of carbs has a negative impact on metabolism, weight and overall health. But very little was known about how the body processes large amounts of carbohydrates eaten in a single meal. Hold onto your hats: it’s not just your metabolism that’s at risk…

Joyce Hollman

Why older adults are at high risk from this ‘open door’ to disease

When you hear the term “leaky gut,” some awful pictures may spring to mind. But the truth is that a leaky gut is like an “open door” through which harmful microbes (even COVID-19) and toxins enter your bloodstream, causing all manner of illness. If you’re an older adult, your risk is higher. That’s why researchers looked into ways to help you close that door for good…

Joyce Hollman

7 reasons to try a persimmon now

Persimmons are a small, sweet fruit that’s around from October to January. If you’ve never tried them, you’re missing out! They’re chock full of nutrients that lower your blood pressure, protect your eyesight and keep your brain young…

Joyce Hollman

Can pomegranate juice really lower cholesterol?

Pomegranates have an extremely high antioxidant content. In fact, its juice has three times more antioxidants than either green tea or red wine! That’s just one of many reasons it’s considered a superfood. Another may be proof of what it did to particularly troublesome cholesterol numbers when it was put to the test…