7 keys to keep your brain working better

1. Keep exercising

Being older is not an excuse to plop down in the easy chair. It turns out that strenuous exercise not only grows bigger, stronger muscles, it grows a bigger, stronger brain, too.

A brain that exercises is a brain that stays younger and hardier. That’s another reason why many medical experts now argue that exercise should be considered a kind of miracle drug perfectly suited to prevent and treat many of the diseases that plague us.

So the next time you need a cerebral jolt to ward off mental wooziness, lift a barbell along with that coffee cup.

Read: These 6 kinds of exercise can propel you to incredible health

Heart and arteries
Carl Lowe

By Carl Lowe

has written about health, fitness and nutrition for a wide range of publications including Prevention Magazine, Self Magazine and Time-Life Books. The author of more than a dozen books, he has been gluten-free since 2007.