7 keys to keep your brain working better

2. Keep your heart and arteries healthy

Don’t smoke. Keep your weight down. Deal with high blood pressure. The best part about these improvements: You don’t have to wait long to experience their benefits.

Research shows that within 14 days of merely taking a daily walk and altering your diet your brain becomes more efficient. And losing just a few pounds produces fairly rapid payback in a stronger heart. Your cardiovascular system and blood vessels are the fuel injectors for your brain. Keep that fuel flowing.

Read: How to get the arteries of a 20-year-old

Researching side effects of medications
Carl Lowe

By Carl Lowe

has written about health, fitness and nutrition for a wide range of publications including Prevention Magazine, Self Magazine and Time-Life Books. The author of more than a dozen books, he has been gluten-free since 2007.