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Brain Health

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Jenny Smiechowski

10 scientifically proven ways to lower your dementia risk

When it comes to reducing your dementia risk, you don’t have time to waste… Every year, 10 million more people worldwide are diagnosed with this devastating disease. And that number is expected to increase in the coming years. So why mess around? Start lowering your risk today…

Joyce Hollman

8 skills that can help you be a happier caregiver

Caring for a family member with Alzheimer’s is unlike any other stressor. It has multiple layers, and it’s not like you can wait to deal with the physical strain while you’re taking care of the way it affects every other aspect of your life, including depression. But there’s help in these eight skills…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

This morning brain boost keeps you sharp all day

As we age, cognitive problems can start to creep in… and no one wants to see that happen. But one of the areas that can become especially challenging is decision making. Yet, the decisions we make in later life can substantially affect our finances, our health, and our independence. This can help…

Joyce Hollman

3 well-being factors that make your golden years golden

It seems that the relationship between exercise and well-being, both physical and emotional, travels in both directions. Those who exercise are happier, healthier and more emotionally stable. But there are three well-being factors that fuel that drive from the start — and they make all the difference…

Joyce Hollman

If you have migraines, this stroke syndrome may be next

You’ve probably heard about the dangers of metabolic syndrome. Low levels of HDL (“good” cholesterol), fat around the waistline, insulin resistance, hypertension and chronic inflammation are its hallmarks. But there’s a curious relationship between this stroke syndrome and migraines, too…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What broccoli sprouts do for the brain that could treat mental disorders

A prescription for better brain chemistry may have just been discovered in the produce aisle. It affects the brain chemical glutamate, which is known for its role in sending messages between brain cells and has been linked to depression and schizophrenia. 100 percent natural, too!


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The drugs that could cause dementia in men

With one in ten people already suffering from Alzheimer’s the statistics are already frightening. But, it might shock you to find out that if the problem wasn’t bad enough already, the drug companies have made it worse, at least for men who have been diagnosed with a certain cancer…

Jenny Smiechowski

The newly discovered brain disease that mimics Alzheimer’s

Nothing’s more devastating than getting diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Your doctor can’t offer much help. And you know it’s only a matter of time before you lose your memory and independence. But do you know what else stinks pretty bad? Getting incorrectly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

Joyce Hollman

The brain chemical that helps banish unwanted thoughts

Being able to control the thoughts that go through your mind from moment to moment can be hard. You’re trying to concentrate but you can’t stop thinking about everything else but what you need to focus on. Here are some scientific tricks that work… including boosting an effective neurotransmitter.

Joyce Hollman

How sleep makes more room in your brain for memories

The brain has been compared to a computer. It takes in information, processes it, and stores it away in our memories. But just how does this happen? And how can we help things along? A recently published study took a close look at what’s going on in our brain when it’s at work forming permanent memories for us.

Joyce Hollman

4 breakfast foods that will boost your brain power

What you choose to eat in the morning can have a very real effect on your brain power and focus for the rest of the day. But the right “brain foods” can help you put together some powerhouse breakfasts. Here are the top four brain-fueling breakfast foods that can help you stay sharp daylight to dark…

Joyce Hollman

The super salad six (and then some) that saves your brain

The importance of eating dark, leafy green vegetables is something you’ve heard me talk about before. The chlorophyll that makes them green fights cancer, heals wounds and detoxifies the liver. That’s why leafy greens are a central part of healing diets — even one that could help you eat your way to a stronger brain.