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Jenny Smiechowski

3 factors that fuel age-related brain shrinkage the fastest

As alarming as it is to find a wiry gray hair sprouting from your head or a cavernous wrinkle resting in a formerly smooth section of your face, I think the most alarming part about getting older is what happens to your brain…Now, you’ve probably heard about the alarming effects of brain aging before. But if you haven’t, brace yourself…

Jenny Smiechowski

The surprising impact distant relatives with Alzheimer’s have on your risk

It’s common knowledge that if someone in your immediate family (like your mom, dad or siblings) has Alzheimer’s, you have a higher risk of the disease. But things get a little murkier when it comes to aunts, grandparents and so on. These numbers will get you serious about avoiding the disease.

Joyce Hollman

Let this oil flow once a week for better blood flow

Heart disease is still the number one cause of death among adults in the United States. But there’s some advice that could keep you from being one of them. It turns out that for good blood flow, you need to let the oil flow. What kind? The one shown to reduce heart attack risk by 30 percent…

Jenny Smiechowski

Which diet offers better dementia prevention?

There’s a question that’s probably at the top of your mind, because it could save it: What diet provides the best dementia protection? Several studies found the Mediterranean diet reduces Alzheimer’s risk. But recently, it’s gotten stiff competition from a diet designed specifically with brain health in mind.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Can you measure the health benefits of your social life?

Would you like to be that person who’s still active, engaged and sharp at 100 years old, living independently and enjoying time with the great grandkids? If you’re a social butterfly, you’re half way there. And now, a new study has figured out why — by measuring the benefits of being social.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The nutrient cocktail that kicks migraines to the curb

To get relief from a migraine, you may have tried everything. What if I told you that simply correcting a nutrient deficiency could give you everlasting relief? In fact, scientists have shown that there are three nutrients that migraine sufferers are deficient in…


Jenny Smiechowski

‘Holy herb’ halts inflammation in cells linked to Alzheimer’s

Used by Native Americans and Spanish settlers, the “Holy Herb” is best known for its ability to relieve respiratory issues like asthma, bronchitis, or seasonal allergies. It’s also used for headaches, fever, and sore muscles. But a new study shows it could be the answer to a bigger problem…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

How you can stop a stroke

Here’s a little bit of information that may help scare you straight: Nearly 800,000 people have a stroke every year putting it at the number 5 cause of death in the United States. What most of us don’t know is that it is also the leading cause of long-term disability. But 9 out of 10 are preventable…

Jenny Smiechowski

Supercharging your cells can defend against Alzheimer’s, aging and diabetes

You are what you eat… or, to be more precise, your cells are what you eat. And cell function affects aging and disease. But if feeling healthy and young matters to you, it’s not just what you feed your cells, but how you eat, that can supercharge your cells to protect you from premature aging and disease.

Joyce Hollman

6+ diseases you could avoid by being happier

Chronically high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can lead to heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. Now, there’s evidence that stress can have more far-reaching effects on your body than you might have imagined.

Joyce Hollman

Why being angry can make you a target for diabetes

Can stress cause diabetes? Isn’t that all about blood sugar? Not according to recent evidence. It seems there’s a real connection between stress, hostility, pessimism, and the onset of diabetes…

Jenny Smiechowski

The healthy habit pushing a Parkinson’s pandemic

Parkinson’s disease used to be rare. But neurological disorders are growing at an alarming pace and none as quickly as Parkinson’s. Why are Parkinson’s rates rising so significantly? There’s a factor driving a potential Parkinson’s pandemic that’s far less predictable…