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Colon Cancer

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Virginia Tims-Lawson

The cancer in your sandwich

No long list of foods to avoid here. There’s just two things the American Institute for Cancer Research has revealed that could have the greatest impact on your cancer risk. One you need to eat much more of… and one you should probably go the rest of your life without ever eating again.

Jedha Dening

Unusual energy drink ingredient zaps cancer cells

If you’ve ever reached for an energy drink to help boost your stamina, you may have noticed one unusual ingredient in the list… It’s a plant from the Amazon that’s been consumed for thousands of years for it’s energizing properties. Turns out, it has therapeutic advantages for cancer.

Easy Health Options Staff

How to grill up less cancer [slideshow]

Cooking meat at high temperatures, like on a grill, produces the same carcinogens found in cigarette smoke and car exhaust, and they’re linked to colorectal cancer. Want to reduce your risk? Follow these tips on how to grill your red meat for a safe and tasty cookout…

Jenny Smiechowski

Dodge colon cancer with 3 diet changes

Those who followed these three magic rules of healthy eating kept their colon free of precancerous polyps — small growths in the colon that can eventually turn into cancer. Even those who only followed two of these rules slashed their polyp risk in half!

Virginia Tims-Lawson

7 natural helpers to help you ‘go’

If you live with constipation, you already know the pain, bloating and straining. What you may not know is that constipation is a real danger to your health. The best way to overcome chronic constipation is to provide safe, natural support for your colon.

Jenny Smiechowski

This food goes nuts on colon cancer

The evidence continues to pile up in favor of eating one particular food to fight colon cancer… studies have already shown that this food heals your gut, slows the inflammation linked to colon tumor growth and reduces your overall colon cancer risk.


Jenny Smiechowski

Antibiotics kill bacteria but help colon polyps thrive

Overusing antibiotics can have deadly consequences… And I’m not just talking about antibiotic resistance. We’ve all read the horror stories about MRSA, C-difficile and Candida. But this time they’ve been tied to cancer-causing colon polyps.

Jenny Smiechowski

Are food additives to blame for rise in colon cancer?

It’s hard to keep up with all the additives food companies sneak into your food. But killing off gut bacteria, creating inflammation and increasing your risk of colon cancer are good reasons to.

Easy Health Options Staff

Avoid this starch and you miss out on colon cancer protection

If you want to resist colon cancer, a starch known as “resistant” starch offers a way to lower your risk. You can consume this special starch in a variety of foods, but you have to eat them the right way.

Easy Health Options Staff

Use this powerful plant to root out cancer at the source

The newest technology to fight cancer isn’t being directed at cancer cells. At least, not in the way we usually think… mother nature knows just how to kill these so-called “mother” cells traditional cancer drugs can’t.

Easy Health Options Staff

6 Foods that K-O colon cancer [infographic]

Are you ready to make a small dietary change that will have a big impact on your health? Here are 6 foods which provide you with gut-healing, anti-cancer benefits.

Easy Health Options Staff

Eat the ‘right’ carbs — the cancer-killing ones

Carbohydrates have a bad rap. They can spike your blood sugar and add inches to your waist if you’re not careful. But low-carb and Paleo enthusiasts may be doing themselves a big disservice by eschewing them altogether.