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Margaret Cantwell

Why a vitamin D deficiency means faster aging

It’s been more than well established that a vitamin D deficiency greatly increases the chances you could end up with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and even cancer, the so-called diseases of aging. Is it because this vitamin actually suppresses aging?

Jenny Smiechowski

The secret to energizing your cells for a long, healthy life

Who doesn’t want to live healthier longer? All of us, of course. That’s why you’ll see lots of products on the market now, promising to turn back time by prolonging the life of your cells based on what we’ve learned from research. But I’ll let you in on a secret: you can power up your mitochondria all on your own…

Jenny Smiechowski

The ‘less work’ workout for a healthier heart and longer life

If you want to get more fit with less work, I’ve got a workout for you… People who do it have better blood pressure and cholesterol, along with less arterial stiffness, all of which are risk factors for heart disease. Joint problems? Not a problem…

Jedha Dening

Foods that could give you 15 more years

Though there are many underlying mechanisms that can potentially trigger disease, it’s surprising to learn that lifestyle diseases — with cardiovascular disease and cancer as the two front-runners — cause 70 percent of deaths.

Jenny Smiechowski

Add three years to your life in 15 minutes

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who can’t wait to lace up their running shoes daily, and those who would rather get a root canal than run a mile. Love it or hate it, running is hands down the best exercise for adding years to your life…

Debra Atkinson

7 simple tips to feel, look and age better

Slowing the aging process is no longer considered a fruitless search for a mythical “fountain of youth.” Research has revealed that if there truly is a way to slow the hands of time, it means getting up, moving and getting physical. These 7 tips will get you going so you can look and feel younger longer…


Jenny Smiechowski

Do this exercise to flip your body’s aging switch off

If you want to protect your mind and body from the ravages of time, there’s one thing you need to do above all else… And it’s not Botox shots from the dermatologist or spending a wad of cash on the anti-aging secrets of Hollywood’s most glamorous. That kind of thing is a facade that doesn’t get to the underlying causes of aging, like this…

Jenny Smiechowski

Grab a pickle jar and try this at-home longevity test

If you’re like most people, you spend a lot of your day using your hands. But even though they may be constantly moving across keyboards or smart phone screens, your hands, and your health, might be getting weaker with every passing day…

Jenny Smiechowski

Medicinal plant boosted lifespans 475% in the lab

Scientists are always searching for the fountain of youth… something that can erase all the signs of aging in one fell swoop — the saggy skin, declining mind, creaky joints and weak bones. But so far their efforts have been in vain… or have they?

Jenny Smiechowski

The Italian secret to longevity: sex and rosemary?

Certain places on earth are pockets of health and longevity, like the tiny Italian village of Acciaroli. There, more than one in ten residents lives past the age of 100. So what’s their secret?

Kelley Martin

In the kitchen with Kelley: Greek salad

Have you heard of blue zones? There are a few of these special places scattered across the globe, and one them is Ikaria, Greece. What makes it and other blue zones so special? Maybe the food…

Jenny Smiechowski

People who live longer die better

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live to 100? Some people say they don’t want to because they picture themselves feeble and sickly — like a prisoner in their own body. But the latest research on centenarians shows that this just isn’t so.