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Carolyn Gretton

A ‘food compass’ for healthy eating made easy

Healthy eating is overwhelming, what with trying to avoid salt, sugar and fats while trying to balance the right nutrients. What if a compass could guide you, especially one that found your favorite chips are not that bad in the big scheme of things?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Two minerals that could help prevent kidney stones

Kidney stones are excruciating. One second you’re fine, the next a stone trying to pass through the tiny channel of the ureter can drop you to your knees. If you’ve had one, you’ve got a 30 percent chance of another one within the next five years. Decrease that risk with two important nutrients…

Joyce Hollman

10 superfoods for seriously healthy smoothies

What’s not to love about smoothies? Quick, convenient, delicious — and when done right, bursting with nutrition. Here’s a list of ten superfood choices and their little-known benefits for enlarged prostate, ED, cholesterol and more…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How your microbiome affects your athletic performance

What’s bacteria got to do with fitness? A lot. In fact, taking probiotics before working out could be the secret to increased muscle growth. And now there’s proof problems with your gut microbiome can knock you off your game affecting performance too…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diet that fights erectile dysfunction

With every decade that passes, a man’s risk of ED goes up another 10 percent. That means men in their 50s have about a 50 percent chance of dealing with the frustrating and embarrassing problem. Instead of reaching for the little blue pill, there’s a diet found to get to the root of the problem by improving both testosterone levels and blood flow…

Carolyn Gretton

Ultra-processed foods: The more you eat, the higher your dementia risk

Ultra-processed foods are everywhere, and they’re not doing you any favors, except making it easy to develop insulin resistance, obesity, inflammation, high blood pressure, heart disease — oh and did we mention the strong link to dementia?


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diet that boosts men’s happiness hormone

Close to one in three men will experience depression in their lifetime. That not only affects mental health but also increases chronic disease risk. And men are less likely to seek help. But what’s that saying about the way to a man’s heart? It may be key to happiness too…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Only one type of plant-based diet decreases breast cancer risk

Switching to a plant-based diet is one of the best ways to stay healthy, from weight loss to avoiding diabetes. They’ve even been found to guard against cancer. But when it comes to breast cancer, not all plant-based diets are equal…

Carolyn Gretton

Cocoa’s leg up on healthy blood pressure

Plenty of studies confirm cocoa’s benefits. But results from controlled studies don’t always translate to real daily life. That’s where cocoa’s effects on blood pressure and arteries differ. Not only does it work, it laid to rest a concern doctors have about traditional BP treatments…

Joyce Hollman

Sourdough: The ‘better digestion, blood sugar and heart health’ bread

Just about anyone who tries sourdough bread becomes a fan. But there’s more to the light, chewy distinctively-flavored bread. Not only is it loaded with nutrition but it has unique properties that offer big heart, blood sugar and digestive benefits…

Carolyn Gretton

Metastatic memory: Another reason to avoid palm oil

Palmitic acid, found in palm oil, has been linked with heart disease and cancer. Scientists have been working to unravel the reasons behind the latter, and they may have uncovered how palmitic acid turns regular tumor cells into aggressive spreaders of disease…

Jenny Smiechowski

7 surprising health benefits of our favorite fall spice

You may already know that cinnamon can improve your memory, balance your blood sugar and lower your cholesterol… but that’s not all this super spice has up its sleeve…