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Joyce Hollman

10 science-based tips for keeping produce fresh longer

Do you often buy fresh veggies and fruits only to have them rot before you can eat them? The problem may be with some common mistakes most of us make when washing or storing them. Here are ten pointers on how to keep your produce fresh until you’re ready to eat it.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

One more reason to read product labels: Hormone interference

Endocrine disruptors are everywhere. In the clothes we wear, the furniture we sit on and the products we slather on our skin. They lurk, waiting to tip our hormones from a healthy balance and cause disease. Luckily, a brand-new study found a simple way to lower the levels of these disruptors in your body. ..

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

This listeria danger (and possible cure) from fish

Everyone knows that eating fish is good for you. There’s the brain- and heart-healthy omega-3s, good fats and protein, not to mention the vitamins and nutrients many of us don’t get enough of, like iodine and vitamin D. But before you put fish on the table, there’s a growing risk you need to consider — and help from a surprising source…

Carolyn Gretton

Cleansing toxic thirdhand smoke from your home and your body

With people spending more time at home than ever before during the pandemic, it’s important to have a clean, safe dwelling. But if you live with a smoker or in a home where smokers once lived, coronavirus isn’t your only concern. Thirdhand smoke and its carcinogens can become deeply embedded in carpets and drywall and later be released back into the air you breathe.

Joyce Hollman

How to make bacon that won’t give you cancer or heart disease

Bacon is one of those processed meats that raises your cancer and heart disease risk. So, what’s a bacon lover to do? Some people turn to turkey bacon. But don’t kid yourself. It’s still processed meat. But there’s a tasty alternative you can make easily and eat to your heart’s content…

Jenny Smiechowski

What can we do about the microplastics found growing in our fruits and vegetables?

In case you haven’t heard, microplastics are taking over the planet. Scientists are finding them in every nook and cranny of the earth. And it’s kind of scary since microplastics contain BPA, phthalates and other toxins proven to harm human health…


Jenny Smiechowski

Essential oil diffusers may pose an unexpected risk

I’ve never thought of my diffuser as anything but a blessing to my health and home. It’s an easy way to take advantage of the benefits of aromatherapy and a great alternative to chemical air fresheners. But I recently read something that indicated there may be a dark side to my diffuser…

Joyce Hollman

How to correctly disinfect with wipes during the pandemic

Using disinfectant wipes to clean the surfaces in your home? You should know there’s more to it than just pulling one out and wiping. Follow these tips to make sure you get the most disinfecting power out of those wipes and avoid these mistakes that could cause harm…

Jenny Smiechowski

9 hand sanitizer brands that contain a life-threatening toxin

Most of us are using a lot of hand sanitizer these days… even if we don’t normally touch the stuff. And we should continue to do so whenever a sink and soap aren’t an option since keeping your hands clean is one of the most effective ways to avoid coronavirus. Just make sure the hand sanitizer you’re using doesn’t contain this incredibly toxic ingredient…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

To lower your coronavirus risk at home, open your windows

The coronavirus pandemic still has many of us “safer at home.” Yet, studies show that the virus is transmitted far more easily indoors than out. Luckily, there’s one simple thing you can do to help keep yourself and your family safe at home. It all has to do with airflow…

Joyce Hollman

The unexpected way lead gets in your drinking water

Depending on the age of your home, your pipes may be lined with lead. As long as the lead doesn’t leach into your drinking water it’s not a problem, but another heavy metal commonly used in municipal water systems could be making it easier for that lead to flow from your sinks…

Jenny Smiechowski

Your stove may be cooking up unsafe levels of indoor air pollution

Most of us don’t think twice when we click our gas stoves on to cook. But maybe we should. Gas stoves are exposing us to pollution levels so high they would be illegal if they were outside. And this exposure can contribute to everything from asthma to heart disease to cancer.