
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The raisin-like snack that wards off vision loss

Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss for people over 60. No known therapy has yet been shown to impact early stages of AMD. That’s why when it comes to keeping your vision, prevention is key — and this fruit is a must…

Joyce Hollman

11 exotic superfruits with supersized nutrition

Instead of dreaming of tropical islands this winter, why not try some exotic fruits that hail from warmer climates? Here are 11 exotic “superfruits” that are fun to try, and packed with enough nutritional power to dispel the winter doldrums and most anything else that ails you…

Carolyn Gretton

How spinach can help prevent colon cancer

Popeye was right — spinach really is a superfood. It’s loaded with fiber and nutrients like vitamins A, C, K and B2, folate, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron — not to mention powerful carotenoids that support eye health. But science has pinpointed several ways this leafy green goes after colon cancer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The superfood that battles depression, anxiety and more

There’s one food that has racked up an incredibly impressive array of health benefits backed by science. From improving blood sugar and fighting obesity to boosting immunity and reducing joint pain, mushrooms are truly magical. And now researchers say you can chalk one more big benefit up to fungi — better mental health.

Joyce Hollman

6 fruits anyone with blood sugar problems should be eating

Anyone with blood sugar concerns should be eating plenty of these stone fruits and a few choice berries. Not only do they contain phenols that help your body use insulin, they’ve been found effective against obesity, metabolic syndrome and a bushel of other serious conditions…

Joyce Hollman

Winter squash: Time to eat this ‘Blue Zone’ food now

Fall is a great time to try all the nutritious varieties of squash. Whether you pick acorn, butternut, or Japanese Kabocha, you’ll be getting your fill of fiber, vitamins, and carotenoids, with few calories and a low carb content. Best of all you may get a life-lengthening boost from this popular ‘blue zone’ superfood!