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Jenny Smiechowski

8 warning signs you’ve taken healthy eating too far

When you first start eating a healthy diet, you feel fantastic. You have more energy. Maybe you even resolve long-standing health issues. But despite the amazing benefits (or perhaps because of them), healthy eating can easily become an obsession. This obsession even has a name — and it’s considered an eating disorder.

Joyce Hollman

What you should know about vascular dementia

Vascular dementia is the second most common form of dementia after Alzheimer’s. Its causes and risk factors are different from AD, its symptoms show up differently, and it’s much more under our control. Symptoms of vascular dementia can vary. Here’s what to watch for and how to identify your risk…

Carl Lowe

7 keys to keep your brain working better

As you get older, your brain ages with the rest of the body. If you want to keep a better-working brain, here are seven steps you can take to keep your wits about you as you grow older.

Amanda Luft

Is it possible to reverse hypertension brain damage that leads to Alzheimer’s?

You may know that hypertension in middle age is also associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s later in life. Long-term blood pressure damages vessels in the brain creating “white matter lesions” which can be seen on brain scans. But the good news is that this damage can be reversed…

Jenny Smiechowski

Is too much screen time making you age faster?

Electronics are so ingrained in our day-to-day, it’s hard to imagine life without them. But people who remember a pre-digital world, often wonder if being so plugged-in is harmful. A new study shows that the blue light from electronics may damage brain cells. But that’s not all… it could make you age faster too…

Craig Cooper

Foods that help prevent Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease has no cure at this point. Does that mean you should sit back and only hope it doesn’t happen to you? That’s a big fat NO. There’s enough research on how to avoid the mind robber, starting with foods you should eat, those you shouldn’t and other helpful tips to live dementia-free…


Jenny Smiechowski

The cardiovascular risk vegetarians and vegans face

Eating more plant-based protein is tied to a 60 percent lower risk of developing arterial plaque. That may be why people who follow a plant-based diet are less likely to end up with a cardiovascular disease. But a new study throws a curveball at all those who gave up meat to curb this major health risk…

Jenny Smiechowski

Job exposure to pesticides raises heart disease risk 45%

If you’re someone who’s exposed to pesticides on the job, your job is downright dangerous. Besides risks like cancer, Parkinson’s and liver damage, a new study shows it has one more scary side effect — it causes your cardiovascular system to crash and burn. Here’s how to protect yourself…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What your pupils can reveal about your genetic risk for Alzheimer’s

Since testing for Alzheimer’s is practically non-existent, part of the fear is how it sneaks up on you. Because it damages the brain years before the first symptoms, it’s been almost impossible to identify a critical window when early treatment could actually make a difference. Until now…

Amanda Luft

Speak your mind to reduce your risk of life-threatening strokes

We all know that keeping thoughts and emotions bottled up inside can cause unnecessary stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health problems. But did you know staying quiet when you really want to express yourself can actually harm you physically?

Joyce Hollman

5 amazing health secrets of olive leaf extract

The health promoting benefits don’t stop with the oil that comes from this tasty fruit of the olive tree. In fact, the leaf of the olive tree contains a wealth of powerful health agents that lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and even lower the risk of cancer.

Jenny Smiechowski

What a bad diet does to your brain in just three days

You probably know what junk food does to your body… You develop a belly bulge. You can’t fit into your favorite jeans. It could lead to metabolic syndrome or diabetes. But long before any of these changes, a high-carb, high-fat diet is making serious, hard-to-reverse changes to your brain in record time.