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Jenny Smiechowski

The blood test that catches Alzheimer’s 16 years before serious symptoms begin

If you knew right now that you were going to get Alzheimer’s in the next 20 years, what would you do to change your destiny? Would you exercise more? Eat better? Try kirtan kriya meditation? All the above?

Joyce Hollman

4 real health benefits of a good cry

When was the last time you had a good cry? For me, it was just the other day. When it was over, boy, did I feel good! Why? It turns out there’s science behind what tears do for your emotional well-being as well as your physical health…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

When it looks like dementia but isn’t

If you spend time with an elderly relative or act as a caregiver, you know how those little signs their cognition is slipping can be cause for concern. But some seniors who appear to be headed down the path of dementia, are actually suffering from something totally treatable.

Dr. Michael Cutler

15+ herbs, vitamins and nutrients that help fight dementia

Despite decades of research, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s dementia. That doesn’t mean all hope is lost to avoid this devastating disease. Current medications, at best, may slow the rate of disease progression. So, shouldn’t we consider natural options that may do the same, or better? Let me share them with you…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to boost the Alzheimer’s-fighting hormone hiding in your brain

Right now, there aren’t many hopeful treatments for Alzheimer’s. Current drugs have minimal benefits and loads of side effects, including diarrhea. But research shows how you can  encourage your brain to release a hormone that could be the answer we’ve all been waiting for.

Joyce Hollman

MSG: From headaches to brain damage?

MSG is an artificial flavor enhancer that is derived from glutamate, an amino acid produced by our bodies naturally. It creates a magical taste sensation in Chinese-American food, but adulterating this formerly natural substance does some pretty nasty things to your health.


Jenny Smiechowski

2 natural ways to neutralize bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder can derail a person’s life. Most people need medication to get their serious symptoms in check and their life back on track. But two natural approaches shown to improve bipolar symptoms are making life better for people facing this challenge.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Your Facebook friends could make you sick

As social media use has skyrocketed, researchers have been taking a closer look at its impact on our psychological and even physical health. In fact, a new study has demonstrated that what you see on your friends’ Facebook pages might just make you sick…

Dr. Michael Cutler

3+ things that trigger Alzheimer’s plaques and tangles

Plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are like a stamp on the brain that may as well read “Alzheimer’s was here.” They are the hallmark indicators of one of the most feared diseases of mankind. But what exactly are these substances, how do they get there and what can we do?

Jenny Smiechowski

How somber moods trigger serious disease

Chronic inflammation causes disease… It’s a contributing factor in diabetes, cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, asthma and more. So, preventing inflammation should be a top priority. But one big cause will probably surprise you…

Jenny Smiechowski

The one nutrient that could keep generations free from Alzheimer’s

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could do something right now to reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s, and the risk of your children and your children’s children? There’s an essential nutrient that seems to have a multigenerational impact on Alzheimer’s…

Jenny Smiechowski

A fungus could be fueling Alzheimer’s disease

There’s one opportunistic fungus notorious for causing health problems, big and small. You may even have it in your gut right now. Seventy percent of us do. It may even trigger a brain infection that causes Alzheimer’s-like brain damage…