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Joyce Hollman

Study finds inflammatory foods feed Alzheimer’s and dementia

Research shows inflammation is a driving force behind obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Now research is stacking up that connects it with Alzheimer’s and dementia. The good news? Foods feed that inflammation in a dose-dependent manner and a change of diet could make a big difference.

Carolyn Gretton

How grains can dash diabetes by more than 30 percent

The average American eats less than one daily serving of whole grains, and some studies show that over 40 percent of Americans never eat whole grains at all. When you know what whole grains can do for blood sugar, it’s no wonder so many Americans are in trouble…

Carolyn Gretton

To lower blood pressure, use your whole spice rack

If you have high blood pressure, you’ve probably been told to cut back on salt. But just because you’re using less salt doesn’t mean you have to skimp on flavor. There are plenty of herbs and spices that will not only add flavor to your meals, but will also lower you blood pressure, so says science…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Your body on carbs: Metabolic distress and accelerated aging

A good deal of research has shown long-term overconsumption of carbs has a negative impact on metabolism, weight and overall health. But very little was known about how the body processes large amounts of carbohydrates eaten in a single meal. Hold onto your hats: it’s not just your metabolism that’s at risk…

Joyce Hollman

15 foods to undo binging over the holidays

‘Tis the season for overindulging. Even if you don’t stuff down thousands of calories a day over the holidays, you’re going to eat combinations of food (and drink) that you don’t during the rest of the year. This alone can wreak havoc with your digestive system, cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure. Good news: these foods can undo the damage…

Joyce Hollman

Why older adults are at high risk from this ‘open door’ to disease

When you hear the term “leaky gut,” some awful pictures may spring to mind. But the truth is that a leaky gut is like an “open door” through which harmful microbes (even COVID-19) and toxins enter your bloodstream, causing all manner of illness. If you’re an older adult, your risk is higher. That’s why researchers looked into ways to help you close that door for good…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A salty diet can starve your brain of oxygen

Remember those old commercials that warned us of what drugs could do to our brains by frying an egg in a skillet? Turns out that same demonstration is fitting when it comes to salt’s effects on the brain… including tissue damage from hypoxia.

Carolyn Gretton

How spinach can help prevent colon cancer

Popeye was right — spinach really is a superfood. It’s loaded with fiber and nutrients like vitamins A, C, K and B2, folate, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron — not to mention powerful carotenoids that support eye health. But science has pinpointed several ways this leafy green goes after colon cancer…

Joyce Hollman

Food vs. anti-aging wonder drugs: Which works best

Food is powerful medicine. Yet, there hasn’t been much detailed research comparing the efficacy of diet vs. “wonder drugs” for slowing aging processes, until now. Recently, three with the most credibilty were put to the test against food. See where metformin, rapamycin and resveratrol landed…

Joyce Hollman

7 reasons to try a persimmon now

Persimmons are a small, sweet fruit that’s around from October to January. If you’ve never tried them, you’re missing out! They’re chock full of nutrients that lower your blood pressure, protect your eyesight and keep your brain young…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The superfood that battles depression, anxiety and more

There’s one food that has racked up an incredibly impressive array of health benefits backed by science. From improving blood sugar and fighting obesity to boosting immunity and reducing joint pain, mushrooms are truly magical. And now researchers say you can chalk one more big benefit up to fungi — better mental health.

Joyce Hollman

6 fruits anyone with blood sugar problems should be eating

Anyone with blood sugar concerns should be eating plenty of these stone fruits and a few choice berries. Not only do they contain phenols that help your body use insulin, they’ve been found effective against obesity, metabolic syndrome and a bushel of other serious conditions…