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Joyce Hollman

Do negative calorie foods exist?

A lot of diet “hacks” are touting the value of “negative-calorie” foods as an easy way to boost weight loss. But can eating more of them really help on the scales or are you punishing yourself? Here’s the skinny on negative calories…

Joyce Hollman

Amplify broccoli’s superpowers without having to eat it raw

Broccoli has established itself as a “superfood.” It contains a compound called sulforaphane with an amazing reputation. But you’ll need to eat your broccoli in a particular way so sulforaphane can do all the great things it has the potential to do for you — and believe me, it’s worth the extra trouble…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why nuts are a breast cancer survivor’s best friend

Breast cancer isn’t just the most common cancer among women in the United States. It’s also the second leading cause of death. For survivors, recurrence is a nagging fear. But a new tool with significant clout takes that risk way down…

Dr. Mark Wiley

The tea that helps you drop pounds, cholesterol points and blood sugar levels

Pu-erh is in a category of its own because of its special post-fermentation process. It makes pu-erh at once unique in flavor but different in its chemical composition, thus lending itself to delivering potent healing properties documented in numerous published clinical studies. I think it’s tea time…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

The Nordic diet: Fad or lifestyle?

The Nordic diet is based on the way people in Scandinavia have eaten for years. While the Nordic diet highlights more lingonberries and fewer olives, the premise is similar to the Mediterranean diet. Eating the Nordic way should add up to way less sugar than you’d get on a typical American diet, and that’s just one benefit…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Eating this way leads to fewer brain blood clots

Evidence continues to stack up that adding more plant-based foods to your diet is powerfully beneficial to your health. Skeptical? Check out these 7 steps to more plants and fewer blood clots…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The raisin-like snack that wards off vision loss

Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss for people over 60. No known therapy has yet been shown to impact early stages of AMD. That’s why when it comes to keeping your vision, prevention is key — and this fruit is a must…

Joyce Hollman

Superbugs: The not-so-sweet side effect of a food additive

Trehalose is used to sweeten and extend the shelf life of products, It’s in in everything from gum to nutrition bars. But when you eat foods with trehalose, it’s like scattering birdseed to attract birds to your yard. Except in this case, you’re feeding deadly bacteria and inviting it to thrive in your gut.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Olive oil tied to reduced mortality from 4 major health threats

It’s no secret that olive oil is a heart-healthy alternative. But the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says it can do even more. How do they know? They followed 92,000 people for 28 years and the results are too good to pass up…

Carolyn Gretton

The grapes-gut connection that lowers cholesterol

It’s always a good thing to include fruit in your diet. Most of us don’t eat enough of it, but now we’ve certainly got more reason to — especially when it comes to grapes and the special effect they have on gut bacteria.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Two popular herbs reveal recipe for anti-cancer compounds

We often forget that Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet often holds the answer to so many of the illnesses that we suffer from. The latest: two popular Italian herbs that could go from farm to table to cancer treatment…

Carolyn Gretton

Phytic acid: The antinutrient found in healthy foods

We tend to see phytic acid as something to avoid because of its reputation as an antinutrient. But this plant-based substance isn’t all bad. In fact, it has some health benefits that could offset its potential for causing mineral deficiencies. So let’s dig into the conundrum…