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Easy Health Options Staff

The best diets for cancer patients and cancer survivors

Lifestyle changes often follow a cancer diagnosis, both during treatment and after. Eating well is often the first step. And there is good reason for it, say the experts. But of the five most popular diets that cancer patients or those wishing to avoid cancer often turn to, two really stand out…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

More proof coffee is a liver-protecting beverage

Coffee is hands down the world’s most popular beverage. But studies have been piling up for years about how it can improve health. It’s looking like, as far as the health of your liver goes, coffee has definite superpowers…

Joyce Hollman

Is it possible to eat French fries and lower blood pressure?

Potatoes have gotten a bad rap for years, especially that baked potato slathered in butter and sour cream. And don’t get me started on those French fries covered in salt and ketchup. Hypertension waiting to happen, right, or is it? Well, it’s time to think again about the humble potato and what it may do for your blood pressure.

Carolyn Gretton

Chronic pain? It could be what you’re eating

Chronic pain affects people around the world, making it difficult for them to work or carry out day-to-day tasks. And current treatments for pain have many shortcomings. That’s why scientists are looking to more holistic ways to relieve pain. And they’re finding that the answer could be as simple as eating more…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 powerful health benefits of watermelon

Summertime is here and that means farmer’s markets and grocery stores across the country are once again selling that sweet, juicy fruit kids and adults alike wait all year for. And we’ve got good news: If you eat watermelon, you’re getting much more than a tasty treat…

Carolyn Gretton

How to get up to 10 times the benefits from eating blueberries

Blueberries definitely pack a health punch. But it can be tough for our bodies to absorb all the antioxidants present in the fruit. Now, researchers may have found a way around that problem by combining blueberries with this common food…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The proof is in the spinal fluid: The Mediterranean diet deters Alzheimer’s

The list of diets you can choose and trends you can follow is virtually endless. But when it comes to one that consistently scores high for both brain and body health, it’s the Mediterranean diet. And it may be hands down the most protection against Alzheimer’s plaques you can eat.

Carolyn Gretton

Want to avoid junk food temptation? Get your groceries online

The pandemic made online grocery shopping necessary, but there’s good reason to stick to it that has nothing to do with a nasty virus and everything to do with better food choices, and making fewer of those kinds of purchases we regret later. In fact, the science shows the outcome could mean a better diet and better health.

Carolyn Gretton

The nutrient with huge disease prevention potential we don’t get enough of

Between the glut of highly processed foods in the average Western diet and the popularity of meat-heavy diets like keto and carnivore, too many of us are not getting enough of a simple but powerful health-boosting nutrient that wards off heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and more…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Superfoods for blood sugar, blood pressure, inflammation and more

Superfoods have a valuable impact on our health because they’re nutrient-dense or possess special compounds. Three new studies have taken a closer look at the science behind these superfoods. And they’ve discovered benefits that go far beyond what we previously knew…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The foods that decreased frontline workers’ COVID risks by 73 percent

There’s more proof that food choices matter, and it comes from the front lines: Data from doctors and nurses with extensive exposure to SARS-CO-v2, found that depending on whether you choose high protein, low carbs, more plant foods or fish — risks from COVID-19 could be lowered as much as 73 percent.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Wegovy: What you can expect from the ‘new’ weight loss drug

If you were paying attention to the news this summer, you probably heard about Wegovy™, a “new” drug just approved for weight loss. It’s an injection that you self-administer once a week under the skin. And it works! Sounds great, but before you give it a try, here are all the details…