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Virginia Tims-Lawson

7 reasons your sex drive (and your health) may be lagging

It’s normal to go through ups and downs when it comes to your sex drive. However, if you’ve found that your libido is chronically lagging, there could be something more going on. And even though it’s easy to just fall into a rut, a healthy sex life has too many health benefits to give up on…

Jenny Smiechowski

The secret ingredients for prostate cancer prevention

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in American men and the second leading cause of death. So, how do you protect yourself? Well, according to new research, eating more fruits, veggies and plant-based protein could deliver a potent dose of prostate cancer protection…

Jenny Smiechowski

When too much of a good thing could lead to colon cancer

You’re constantly being told to eat antioxidant foods to reduce your risk of cancer and other diseases. But what if these typically healthy antioxidants have an unpredictable side that can fuel cancer under certain circumstances? New research shows that may be the case…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 things that trigger an IBS flare

Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome can feel like you’re living on a razor blade, never knowing when your symptoms are going to flare. But the truth is, there are a number of common triggers (not all food-related) that can make your IBS worse. Avoiding them could mean enjoying more symptomless days, making life with your condition much easier…

Jenny Smiechowski

For brain-saving omega-3 benefits, dosage matters

There’s a ton of research showing omega-3s have the potential to stave off Alzheimer’s. But there are also studies that didn’t hold up. These discrepancies have left many wondering whether omega-3s really work against Alzheimer’s. Luckily, new insights show their effectiveness may all come down to this one important factor…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

For more heart protection, eat more chocolate

Every year, heart disease kills more people than any other disease on earth, including cancer. So, is it any wonder that we’re all searching for ways to keep our ticker ticking? From exercise and supplements to diet, we all want to know how to keep our hearts healthy. And now, science has found a sweet answer to that problem in an unlikely source.


Joyce Hollman

How to brew up the many benefits of lavender tea

The scent of diffused lavender oil can help you wind down and relax before bed. But a cup of lavender tea can also do the trick and help settle your stomach. That’s because lavender tea is good for more than just sleep and relaxation. Here are more reasons to drink this lovely tea, and how…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 superfoods for super women

Eating a healthy diet is important for anyone who wants to live better, longer. But certain foods are especially effective at helping women meet their special health needs. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top seven superfoods that are especially good for women…

Jenny Smiechowski

The three best foods for fighting diabetes

It’s easy to get confused about what you should eat to lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. Should you go low-carb? Vegan? Low-cal? There’s so much conflicting information out there. So, here’s some simple advice — if you want to escape type 2 diabetes, focus on these three food groups to slash your risk up to 50 percent…

Jenny Smiechowski

A small increase in these foods makes a big increase in lifespan

More people get their protein from meat even though eating more plant-based protein could do them a lot of good. In fact, the more plant protein, the longer the lifespan. And it’s not an all-or-nothing deal… Research shows you can eat your meat and increase your plant-based protein just a little for some really big benefits…

Jenny Smiechowski

Eat this summer berry to soothe skin rashes

We’ve all been there… you brush against a patch of poison ivy or try a new skincare product and your skin erupts in a rash. Typically, you’d need a topical steroid cream to get it under control. But there’s another proven way to tackle this type of allergic response — and you can find it in the fruit aisle.

Jenny Smiechowski

Ditch these foods to lift brain fog

Do you have a hard time concentrating? Do you forget words or lose your train of thought during conversations? Do you feel spacey or out of it often? If you do, you may be dealing with brain fog. You can lift the fog by ditching these foods…