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Virginia Tims-Lawson

The cholesterol danger in every cup

A new study says there’s a little-known factor that could be increasing your chances of ending up with worrisome cholesterol levels. It’s something you could be drinking on a daily basis.

Jenny Smiechowski

How potatoes can help pump up your muscles

Potatoes are probably the most controversial vegetable. No one would say that broccoli is unhealthy, but potatoes have plenty of naysayers… mostly because they’re high in carbs. But the truth is that potatoes are a good source of nutrients, including protein that can fuel your muscles.

Jenny Smiechowski

Stevia: The natural, zero-calorie sweetener that slays fatty liver

High sugar intake is directly linked to liver cancer, liver scarring and fatty liver disease — a condition that can lead to cirrhosis. But there is a zero-calorie savior that can satisfy your sweet tooth and save your liver — stevia.

Jenny Smiechowski

Apples, berries and tea fend off Alzheimer’s

If you want to reduce your odds of developing Alzheimer’s, you should make one simple change to your diet — eat more flavonoid-rich foods. Why? Because the amount you eat now directly impacts your risk of developing Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia in the decades to come.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 ways apple cider vinegar could save your health

When you think of apple cider vinegar, you probably picture that tangy salad dressing that makes your mouth water or that tart marinade that gives your favorite chicken dish an extra kick. But, if you’re only using the flavor-packed powerhouse in your cooking, you could be missing out on some big health benefits…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The high fiber fruits and veggies that lower breast cancer risk by 8%

One in eight women will develop breast cancer at some point in her lifetime. And even while breast cancer rates have been decreasing, this year alone, over 42,100 women will die from it. But a review of 20 studies proves a high fiber diet is a solid way to bring your breast cancer risk down.


Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

The statin mistake that increases your weight and decreases your health

On their own, statins are not a fool-proof guarantee of better outcomes. In fact, I recommend that all my patients eat a heart-healthy diet. Why? Because if your cholesterol is high and you can reduce it with diet alone, that’s always the better answer. That’s why a new study is so alarming…

Jenny Smiechowski

The clean 15 and dirty dozen fruit and veggie guide for 2020

I buy a lot of my food organic, but not all of it. Sometimes, the price tag is so steep that I convince myself my body can handle a little dose of pesticides for the sake of my pocketbook. But based on all I’ve learned about pesticides and produce, I know I need to be strategic about which foods I buy organic and which ones I don’t…

Jenny Smiechowski

‘Recipe’ for dementia found: don’t eat these foods together

You’ve probably heard about “brain-boosting” foods that lower your risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. But an area that gets overlooked when we talk about diet is food pairing. Can eating certain foods together impact your risk? Turns out these pairings are a recipe for cognitive decline…

Jenny Smiechowski

The one factor that determines whether your coffee is heart healthy

Even though coffee has transformed its bad-for-you image over the past couple of decades, there are still lingering questions about coffee’s impact on your health. Why is coffee OK for your heart in some studies and not OK in other studies? Research shows it all may come down to this one thing…

Joyce Hollman

A dozen delicious ways to power-up your immune system

Making deliberate choices about the foods you eat and what kinds of meals you prepare for yourself can truly make the difference between good or poor health or between a minor illness or a life-threatening one. Foods that boost your immune health are especially important…

Joyce Hollman

Can’t sleep? These prebiotic foods might help

Are you confused about the difference between probiotics and prebiotics, and how each can benefit your health? You’re not alone. We’re going to clear all that up in a moment. But, for now, just know that prebiotics are the focus of recent research, and not for the usual reasons.