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Virginia Tims-Lawson

‘Everyday’ plastics mess with metabolism, increase fat cells

Endless commercials tell us if we join weight loss programs and eat their pre-packaged meals, the pounds will drop. Maybe you’ve tried them or followed a diet at home, working out on top of all of that, but the scale keeps going up. Let me be the first to tell you to stop beating yourself up. Here’s why…

Jenny Smiechowski

The 3 most dangerous daily sources of aluminum and the damage it does

Besides breast cancer, aluminum exposure can cause neurotoxicity — a form of damage to the central and/or peripheral nervous system. It’s even linked to Alzheimer’s. So, you want to stay on top of your aluminum exposure, especially since research shows we’re regularly exposed to far too much…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The pesticide that helps pack on the pounds

It’s no secret that for decades Americans have been getting heavier. There are a lot of reasons why, and we’ve been conditioned to believe they are within our control, and that not following a healthy diet or overeating is no one’s fault but our own. But it may not have been the food all along, and instead, what was on the food…

Jonathan Sharp

Is your mattress leaking fiberglass? Here’s how to know

If you’ve ever shopped for a mattress, you know that there’s a lot to consider, including size, price, and of course, comfort. Oftentimes, we get so preoccupied with finding the perfect mattress that will last a decade, that we totally overlook potential hazards. But how dangerous could a mattress be? Quite dangerous, actually, especially if it’s leaking fiberglass…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The chemicals fueling the hormones breast cancer cells thrive on

It’s no secret that every day we’re exposed to hundreds, if not thousands of chemicals. And though most chemicals are meant to improve our lives in some way, you may be shocked to learn almost 300 common household chemicals, likely lurking in your home right now, have been found to increase hormone levels to fuel breast cancer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Dangerous ‘forever chemicals’ are hiding in your cosmetics

Think the makeup you put on your skin each day is safe because the label says, “Clean” or “Natural”? Think again! Testing of more than 200 cosmetics sold across the United States and Canada, found your cosmetics could be hiding a dirty toxic secret — “forever chemicals” associated with everything from thyroid disease to cancer.


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Popular bleach alternative not so safe to disinfect your home

Chances are, during the pandemic, you got real serious about disinfecting your home. And you may be tempted to continue the habit since it helped lower your exposure not only to COVID-19 but possibly influenza too. But you could be trading the risk of catching any respiratory virus for the risk of serious respiratory damage.

Joyce Hollman

7 ways to start ridding your life of brain-damaging BPA

We’ve long known that the chemicals BPA and BPS, found in many common plastic products, can cause damage to your liver, thyroid, heart and other organ systems. Now, a team of biologists has found that these chemicals may also cause permanent brain damage. Follow this advice to reduce you and your family’s risk.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How household dust may contribute to breast cancer

Chemicals have been developed to make our lives easier and safer. But is that always the case? More and more studies are finding it’s not. In fact, something as innocuous as the dust in your home can pose a cancer threat, thanks to chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system.

Carolyn Gretton

The one piece of furniture making your home toxic

Your home can be even more polluted than the air outdoors, given the chemicals lurking in household objects like furniture, rugs, window coverings and even scented candles. Living without all of these things may seem impossible, but a good start would be to switch out the one biggest contributor to toxic air and dust in your home.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The pesticides that steal sleep and give you diabetes

When you eat foods that are not organic, not only are you being cheated of more healthful nutrition that should fight disease, you may get a dose of a toxin that’s stealing your sleep hormone and increasing your risk for metabolic disorders, like diabetes.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

The hidden side effects of air pollution on your heart

When you think of environmental issues, your mind most likely focuses on the planet. But have you stopped to consider how these factors harm you? Air pollution is now the most significant environmental risk for early death, linked to long-term health effects like heart disease. Here’s what you should know — and what you can do to protect yourself…