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Carolyn Gretton

The one piece of furniture making your home toxic

Your home can be even more polluted than the air outdoors, given the chemicals lurking in household objects like furniture, rugs, window coverings and even scented candles. Living without all of these things may seem impossible, but a good start would be to switch out the one biggest contributor to toxic air and dust in your home.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The pesticides that steal sleep and give you diabetes

When you eat foods that are not organic, not only are you being cheated of more healthful nutrition that should fight disease, you may get a dose of a toxin that’s stealing your sleep hormone and increasing your risk for metabolic disorders, like diabetes.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

The hidden side effects of air pollution on your heart

When you think of environmental issues, your mind most likely focuses on the planet. But have you stopped to consider how these factors harm you? Air pollution is now the most significant environmental risk for early death, linked to long-term health effects like heart disease. Here’s what you should know — and what you can do to protect yourself…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

‘Banned’ chemical in everyday products fast-tracks fatty liver disease

In 2016, it was banned from soaps and body washes. But despite the evidence of the harm it does, the FDA has yet to force its removal from other types of household products. Not only can it absorb through your skin, it accelerates fatty liver disease. Here’s what you need to know…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 places where Americans are exposed to high arsenic in drinking water

One thing most Americans take for granted is clean drinking water. Even most bottled water drinkers wouldn’t blink an eye at the thought of turning on the tap for a quick, refreshing glass in a pinch. But depending on the community you live in and its water source, that might not be a good idea. […]

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How your home hampers your ability to fight off disease and infection

Semi-volatile organic compounds hang in the air and dust of your home, and they’re changing the composition of your gut microbiome. That’s a big deal considering your gut is command central for your immune system and helps fight off not only bacteria and viruses, but also myriad diseases. This danger may be invisible, but the threat to you and your family is not…


Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

How toxins in your home could give your family diabetes

The Endocrine Society has spent over 14 years researching our exposure to environmental toxins that are present in the air, water, soil and our homes. They interfere, imitate or alter pathways of hormones in the body that lead to disease. And now there’s proof that our exposure can lead to diabetes that we can pass onto our children.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Eat takeout? You’re ingesting up to 10,000 plastic particles yearly

A new study has some sobering information for those of us who’ve made a regular habit of it eating takeout. Along with your favorite foods and a hefty side of convenience, those takeout containers carry a mega dose of plastic that’s finding its way into your meals. Here’s how, why you should be concerned and how to reduce the harm…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why blue light blockers may be the easy fix for better sleep

Have you been spending more time on your laptop or smartphone or binge-watching your favorite shows since the COVID-19 lockdowns began? If so, you could be setting yourself up for a danger no one expected from a pandemic. Here’s how those screens are putting your health at risk, along with a simple solution for better sleep and sight.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What you should know about non-stick pans and their ‘best by’ date

The debate about whether non-stick pans are safe or not has been ongoing for two decades now. While manufacturers will tell us they pose no health risks, researchers have sounded warnings about serious toxins directly linked to disease. Here are several factors that could influence how much of those toxins are leaching from your pans to your food.

Carolyn Gretton

How heavy screen time is hurting us and how to cut down

We’ve been so concerned with avoiding COVID-19 the past few months that we’ve let another health danger sneak in… our screen time has skyrocketed. And it’s taking a toll. While spending some time on screens is impossible to avoid, we can take steps to keep it to a reasonable level — and avoid the worst offenders…

Joyce Hollman

10 science-based tips for keeping produce fresh longer

Do you often buy fresh veggies and fruits only to have them rot before you can eat them? The problem may be with some common mistakes most of us make when washing or storing them. Here are ten pointers on how to keep your produce fresh until you’re ready to eat it.