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Brain Health

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Jenny Smiechowski

How plaque on your teeth leads to plaque on your brain

Heart disease and diabetes — three serious diseases that could kill you thanks to bacteria in your mouth. That should be enough motivation to keep up with your bi-annual dental checkups. But in case it’s not, here’s a bit more incentive…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Marijuana may hold the key to curing depression for good

There may be real help on the horizon for people living with depression (at least where medical marijuana is legal). And it’s been shown to not only alleviate depression in just 24 hours but also alter development of depression in the brain…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Your brain pH can make you prone to Alzheimer’s

After examining the brain tissue samples of healthy people in comparison to the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, researchers found that the pH of your brain plays a pivotal role in how amyloid plaques form and take over your brain…

Joyce Hollman

Does your happiness quota add up to disease or longevity?

It’s hard to feel positive when you’re feeling ill. And negative emotional states can certainly bring about physical symptoms. What may surprise you is how connected your happiness is to length of life, disease and death…

Joyce Hollman

7 indicators that can reduce Alzheimer’s by 70%

Science is telling us that keeping our hearts healthy will also protect our minds. There is evidence that many of the factors that contribute to physical illness also contribute to mental decline, especially these seven indicators…

Joyce Hollman

4 blood tests that could prevent heart disease and stroke

There are quite a few other things my doctor could be looking at besides my iron and cholesterol levels. A few could actually save my life. In fact, there are several simple blood tests that will alert you to changes you can make to slash your risk of heart attack and stroke…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

The really big vegetable with stroke-fighting power

They’ve been reported to have the power to lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of clots that lead to both heart attacks and strokes. But until now, no one was sure why or which variety offered the best protection…

Joyce Hollman

Why you want a superager brain and how to get one

A “superager” brain stays sharp and protects your body, too. The same brain regions that control your decisions and dreams also regulate your organs, your hormones, your immune system, and predict how much energy your body needs…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Want to stress less? Give of yourself more

Have you ever felt that warm glow when you do something for someone else, from helping a neighbor with their yard work to dropping a few dollars into the hand of someone who really needs it? Well, you should see what it does to your brain…

Jenny Smiechowski

FDA finally considers depression-fighting compounds in mushrooms

Psilocybin, a compound found in some mushrooms, has major advantages over the current go-to depression treatment, SSRIs, including things like high effectiveness after just one dose and the ability to relieve depression without numbing other emotions.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

5 steps to lower the dementia risk that follows stroke

Is any stroke ever minor? Even if you appear to gain a full recovery, there’s something sinister that could be waiting for you around the corner… Having a stroke greatly increases your chances of developing Alzheimer’s. But there are steps you can take to put the odds in your favor…

Joyce Hollman

‘Mind-body’ nerve reveals why a simple breathing technique could manage depression

The vagus nerve connects brain and body. It tells our heart to beat, our lungs to breathe, our stomach to digest… But the messages can go the other way, from our body back to our brain. Managing depression can be as easy as knowing how to message your brain.