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Prostate Cancer

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee lovers benefit from lower prostate cancer risk

For all you male coffee lovers worried about the possibility of prostate cancer in your future, listen up: Past studies have already linked coffee to a lower relative risk of liver, bowel, and breast cancers. Now you can add prostate cancer to the list.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The exercise-hormone intersection that lowers prostate and breast cancer risks

If you’re a night owl, getting up with the birds to exercise probably isn’t on your to-do list. But new research shows hitting the gym or even just heading out for a morning walk could be one of the best things you could do to lower your risk of cancer by boosting a cancer-fighting hormone. […]

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to time your exercise to lower your risk for cancer

Exercising is one of the best things you can do for your health. But what if I told you that timing your workouts could bring even bigger benefits — at least when it comes to cancer prevention? According to a brand-new study, just changing the time of day you work out could dramatically lower your risk of breast and prostate cancer.

Joyce Hollman

Diet tips for dodging prostate cancer

One out of every nine American men will receive a diagnosis of prostate cancer during his lifetime. Prostate cancer is survivable, but once it spreads, survival rates plummet. That’s why avoiding prostate cancer in the first place is your best chance. And the best place to start is with what you eat and don’t eat…

Joyce Hollman

Men should lose the ‘spare tire’ to lose risk for prostate cancer

Carrying excess fat around the midsection raises your risk of heart disease, diabetes, metabolic disturbances, dementia and, in women, breast cancer. Now, at least two recent studies have connected visceral fat with prostate cancer. Not just prostate cancer, but the advanced kind that normally proves fatal.

Jenny Smiechowski

Mangoes pack powerful prevention potential against 3 cancers

There are a lot of great reasons to munch on mangoes. Besides being delicious, they contain nutrients and antioxidants that can protect eye health, lower blood pressure, balance blood sugar, support a healthy gut and more. But what you may not know is that mangoes may keep cancer away…


Jenny Smiechowski

The secret ingredients for prostate cancer prevention

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in American men and the second leading cause of death. So, how do you protect yourself? Well, according to new research, eating more fruits, veggies and plant-based protein could deliver a potent dose of prostate cancer protection…

Joyce Hollman

How that “spare tire” is connected with deadly prostate cancer

Research tells us that being overweight increases a person’s risk of at least 13 types of cancer. Now add #14, a fast-killing cancer that only men can get. If you’re a man in your 50s carrying extra pounds around your waist, the likelihood that you’ll die of this cancer is even greater…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

One vital reason men may want to cut down on dairy

Check out any current food pyramid and you’ll still see a tall glass of milk taking its place of honor in the dairy section of the chart. But, is dairy really heathy for us? Well, according to a new study, the answer might be a resounding no — especially for all the men out there trying to avoid prostate cancer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Omega-3 relief: You don’t have to choose between heart health and prostate cancer

Essential fatty acids found in fish oil have had their ups and downs in health news. First, they were praised for heart health, then dashed for prostate cancer potential, then dashed again on heart disease. But finally, it looks like more studies are coming out that vindicate omega-3s all around…

Amanda Luft

The complicated connection between dairy and prostate cancer

Dairy marketing has long convinced many of us that drinking a lot of milk is the express lane to strong bones. We’ve told that “milk does a body good.” Turns out, that may not only be false, but a downright dangerous statement that’s luring thousands of men to their early deaths.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

13-year study shows this food fights prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is scary. While chances of survival are good compared to some cancers, as long as it’s found early, it’s still the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men. Every day in this country, eighty-eight men die from the disease. But a study evaluating more than 36,000 men shows you can significantly reduce your risk.