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Anti-Aging Supplements

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Jenny Smiechowski

The ideal dose of antioxidants to ward off diabetes

The latest research shows that cutting calories is an effective way to prevent and even reverse type 2 diabetes. But if you want to prevent type 2 diabetes (or improve an existing case), you don’t have to cut back on all food. There’s one type of food you want to get more of…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The food with 2-in-1 anti-aging power

Who doesn’t wish they could turn back the hands of time? After all, if you could slow the rate at which your body ages, you could hold on to your energy, your muscles, your bones, your mind (your looks!) and even your zest for life a little longer. If that interests you, then you’re going to want to read on.

Jenny Smiechowski

Become a fungi foodie to take your nutrition to new heights

Mushrooms protect your body like nothing else. But some people turn their noses up at them. If you’re one of them, it’s time to get past any childhood phobia you may have had about mushrooms and embrace this exceptional source of nutrition…

Jedha Dening

Is your anticancer antioxidant all it’s chalked-up to be?

When your antioxidant defenses are low, your body can’t repair the cellular damage caused by free radicals. And if not corrected, normal healthy cells can switch to cancer cells. Antioxidant supplements to help combat these effects…

Easy Health Options Staff

5 life-extending benefits of resveratrol

Did you ever notice that drugs are constantly found to have more side effects and dangers, whereas nutrients are always being found to have more benefits? Resveratrol is a prime example.

Jenny Smiechowski

5 natural hearing loss remedies you’ll want to hear about

Think you have perfect hearing? Think again. Even if you don’t have any noticeable symptoms of hearing damage, chances are life has taken a toll on your hearing, but you can stop the damage…


Easy Health Options Staff

4 foods to help you avoid UTIs besides cranberries

Many folks, especially women, are prone to repeated urinary tract infections (UTIs). Until recently, antibiotics were a dependable way to stamp out these problems, case by case. But studies show that the best way to fight these bacterial problems is with…

Easy Health Options Staff

The greatest grape for your heart health

The fruit of the vine has a real romance to it. And whether it’s a coincidence or not, grapes protect your heart. You see, when your heart’s antioxidant defenses falter, that’s when you’re open to high blood pressure which leads to heart disease.

Jenny Smiechowski

Double your muscle strength with a single nutrient

If you’re over 40, you’re fighting an uphill battle to preserve your muscle mass. That’s because you’re slowly losing muscle to sarcopenia, muscle loss caused by the aging process.

Jenny Smiechowski

Cracked: How to quadruple lifesaving antioxidant benefits

Vitamin E has impressive abilities at fighting free radicals that cause heart disease, Alzheimer’s, eye disease and even cancer. It can also boost your immune system, improve blood flow and prevent blood clots. But your body is struggling to absorb it…

Easy Health Options Staff

Give your DNA the edge over cancer

Have you heard of epigenetics? Sounds like science fiction, right? It’s definitely science, but the reason this is important is that the study of epigenetics is the study of why your DNA is not your destiny.

Easy Health Options Staff

Marvelous melatonin helps you sleep, age slower, and avoid disease

Melatonin is an insomniac’s dream. This natural wonder is great for helping you get to sleep and it’s non habit-forming. Isn’t Mother Nature just grand? But there are even more great reasons to supplement with melatonin…