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Joyce Hollman

Live longer strengthening muscles just one hour a week

Anything you can do to develop stronger muscles will add years to your life — up to 20 percent more! But if you’re like me you’re not a fan of breaking a sweat. I have good news for all of us: When it comes to the benefits of muscle-strengthening exercise, less is more…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fatigue: How to keep it from shortening your lifespan

Do you feel good about your energy levels or do you struggle to make it through daily activities, even ones you used to enjoy, ending up exhausted? Your answer could predict whether or not you’re going to live a long, healthy life or die within the next three years.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

‘Retinal age gap’: A window to how well you’re aging

Your eyes are the window to your soul. Now, research shows your eyes can tell even more. Comparing the age of your retina to your chronological age may present a powerful screening tool to see if you’re at a heightened risk for death.

Joyce Hollman

How many years can a better diet add to your life?

Studies have shown that your diet can help change the genetic pathways that regulate metabolism and aging. But just how many years could you add to your life by eating differently? We’ve got the answer and more good news: You don’t have to make major changes….

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Stress: What it does to your DNA to speed aging

Science has discovered how to go beyond chronological age (the number of years you’ve lived) to measure biological age (the rate at which your cells age) using epigenetic clocks. They track chemical changes in DNA that not only helps predict health but also lifespan. And they’re finding too many of us aging faster thanks to the same culprit…

Carolyn Gretton

Experts may have found ‘fountain of youth’ in tiny seed

We’ll do just about anything we can to extend our lifespan, whether it’s following an anti-aging diet or exercise regimen — or as involved as using hyperbaric oxygen therapy. In all those efforts, there’s one goal scientists continue to chase: the ability to swallow one pill to stop aging. And they are inching ever closer…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Best reason to exercise: rebuilding your body to live healthy longer

Aging means slowing down, doing less and retiring, right? Wrong! According to research from Harvard, if you’re taking it easier as the years pass, you’re missing out on processes in the body that can actually build your body back stronger and fight disease to help you live healthier and longer…

Joyce Hollman

Winter squash: Time to eat this ‘Blue Zone’ food now

Fall is a great time to try all the nutritious varieties of squash. Whether you pick acorn, butternut, or Japanese Kabocha, you’ll be getting your fill of fiber, vitamins, and carotenoids, with few calories and a low carb content. Best of all you may get a life-lengthening boost from this popular ‘blue zone’ superfood!

Joyce Hollman

4 head-to-toe benefits of lutein beyond your eyes

Lutein is a natural antioxidant found in green leafy vegetables and other healthy foods. It’s best known for promoting healthy eyesight and even reducing the risk of AMD. But you may be very surprised to know it can do a lot more, even affecting the aging process. Here are three important research-backed reasons you want to be sure you’re not missing out on this nutrient…

Carolyn Gretton

How many steps a day really lead to a longer life?

You’ve probably heard that 10,000 steps a day can lead to better health and longer life. But have you ever wondered why 10,000 steps? Truth be told, it was an estimate with little science behind it. Recently, researchers set out to determine exactly how many steps per day are needed for those optimal health benefits. Luckily, you can live a lot longer while walking a lot less…

Joyce Hollman

Walnuts crack the code to longer years and less disease

Certain foods have a reputation as superfoods, meaning they possess particularly heathy attributes that confer improved health and even longer life to those who eat them. You can include them as part of healthy diet or, in the case of this one, the worse your diet is, the bigger the benefits you’ll see…

Joyce Hollman

What are your chances of becoming a supercentenarian?

The oldest living person, Jeanne Calment of France, was 122 when she died in 1997. Seems unbelievable, but new research says living to 125 or even 130 years by the end of this century is well within the realm of possibility. That’s because extreme longevity is on the rise…