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Fats Oils

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Jedha Dening

Butter or margarine on your Thanksgiving table?

When you think about butter versus margarine, you may automatically think margarine is better, healthier. But as it turns out, there is quite a bit more to the story you might want to know if you’re trying to decide which may be better for your family. For starters…

Jenny Smiechowski

For health’s sake, stop scrimping on the salad dressing

Have you ever felt guilty about covering a healthy salad with a fatty, delicious dressing? Maybe you thought you were counteracting all the health benefits of those fresh veggies with something fat-filled and tasty. Well, you weren’t. In fact, you were cheating yourself…

Jedha Dening

A deadly mistake about an innocent nutrient

There’s actually very little evidence in what we’ve been told to eat for the past 50 years, and, in actual fact, the type of foods the dietary guidelines suggest may be promoting your early death. I know, it sounds dramatic and even shocking. But, it’s absolutely true. Let me show you…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to find your healthy fats ‘sweet spot’

Low-fat diets are less effective at helping you lose weight and are linked to diseases, like Parkinson’s. But you shouldn’t overdo fat either. Here’s how to find the ideal amount of fat that improves your chances of making it to your 100th birthday in great shape…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Coconut oil for your heart, brain, belly and more

Despite what the American Heart Association will tell you, coconut oil offers myriad benefits, including the treatment of obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and high blood pressure, all risk factors for Alzheimer’s and more…

Jenny Smiechowski

Fatty diet better to escape Parkinson’s

The debate about dairy’s health benefits continues… One day you hear that dairy increases your risk for serious health problems like cancer. And the next day you hear that dairy can protect you from cardiovascular disease and help you lose weight. So what’s the story?


Jedha Dening

The big fat myth: Healthy fats made easy

Fat is not something to be feared. The fact is we need fat for many functions in the body — for the production and formation of bile acids, sex hormones, adrenal hormones, vitamin D and more.

Jenny Smiechowski

This cancer-fighting oil goes to bat for your brain

Olive oil has a long list of unquestionable health benefits… It fights heart disease, reduces your risk of diabetes, fights osteoporosis, and wards off depression, among other remarkable feats. But if all that weren’t enough, olive oil has one more enticing trick up its sleeve…

Jedha Dening

The big FAT myth — busted!

There are many nutrition myths that are deeply embedded in society. So much so that they become “norms” — things that most people believe to be true and don’t really question. One such nutrition myth surrounds fat…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Old-school fat philosophy is dangerous

You’ve been told a high fat diet will cause a rise in harmful cholesterol. The truth is, many people who have heart attacks have normal cholesterol. The myth of high cholesterol as the cause of heart disease is slowly being dispelled as new research reveals a sinister threat…

Jedha Dening

Fighting cancer with fat

Cancer cells metabolize glucose in a very different way than healthy cells. It’s this altered metabolism that is linked to the growth, survival, maintenance and proliferation of cancer cells. In other words, glucose (or sugar) makes you more susceptible to cancer…

Jedha Dening

The metabolism-boosting, heart-protective oil

Like most food groups, not all saturated fats are the same. Coconut oil consists predominantly of a fatty acid known as lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid with some pretty powerful benefits for your health…