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Virginia Tims-Lawson

5 fake estrogens that ruin your sex drive and cause man boobs

There’s no reason to let your manhood be stolen out from under you, Let’s take a look at the most common dietary sources of fake estrogen men encounter in their everyday lives — and what to do about them…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How salt hijacks your immune system to work against your heart

While it’s been known for years that salt and blood pressure risk go hand-in-hand, the risk was associated with the increased fluid sodium pulls into the bloodstream and its effects on the kidneys. But it turns out salt’s effect on the immune system may be responsible for the real culprit.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Boosting brain energy may stop Alzheimer’s before it starts

Most of us, if we had to choose, might opt to give up our physical abilities over our mental faculties. I know I would. But research demonstrates once again that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” In this case, it’s the breath of life for your brain…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Black is the new green for tea that helps you live longer

Extensive research has been published on the amazing health potential of green tea. But its bitter flavor isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. So are you out of luck if you prefer black to green tea? Not in the least, especially if you want to avoid stroke and heart disease and live longer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Heart failure: A little less salt, a lot more relief

When you see your doctor about your heart, the main dietary advice you’ll get is to cut down on salt. While that’s been standard advice for more than a century, no one really knew how much salt is too much. Or in this case how little you have to give up for a lot of relief…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How much do plant-based foods protect your heart? Here are the numbers

If you’re still not eating more plant-based foods, what’s holding you back? Because if you’re doubting just how protective fruits and greens are at keeping heart problems at bay, we’ve got some hard and fast numbers that will have you saying ‘yes’ in a heartbeat…


Carolyn Gretton

Inflammation: The reason calorie restriction equals longer life

Calorie restriction equals weight loss. But there’s a lot more it does for the body, like promoting a longer disease-free life. And Yale researchers have found a way to get those big benefits without having to actually alter caloric intake.

Amanda Luft

10 foods that have the biggest impact on heart disease, stroke and diabetes

It’s no secret that what you eat has a direct effect on your health. A recent study found that increasing your intake of six kinds of foods while reducing your consumption of four others — can improve your risk of cardiometabolic diseases (CMD). Here’s what you can eat (and not eat) to keep your health…

Joyce Hollman

Pesticides in produce: A guide to safe, cost-effective choices

The American Heart Association recommends you eat four to five servings of fruit and vegetables every day. But more than 70 percent of produce exposes you to dangerous pesticide residue, negating disease-fighting nutrients. Here’s how to make safer and cost-effective choices…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fiber helps flush neurotoxin linked to Alzheimer’s

The gut-brain axis is a biochemical signaling pathway between your gut and central nervous system. But if your gut’s off, it becomes a fast track for a brain cell-destroying neurotoxin to travel straight to your brain to start a killing spree. Enough fiber can stop it…

Jedha Dening

A cancer-killing tea you’ve never heard of

Around the world, herbal remedies are used to treat a wide range of ailments and diseases, even cancer. That’s because many of them, especially taken as tea, contain natural compounds with serious health benefits. And this one may steal the show…

Joyce Hollman

Red meat’s effects on the heart may have little to do with cholesterol

If your doctor isn’t harping on you to cut down on red meat, everyone else is. Because the age-old wisdom” says cholesterol clogs your arteries and causes heart disease. Well, red meat is a problem, but the culprit that makes it harmful to your heart resides in your gut…