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Margaret Cantwell

Dissecting the “scary” meat announcement

When WHO announced several days ago that processed meats and red meats can cause cancer, many of my friends turned to me and asked, “Margaret, what are you going to eat now?” I have no intention of changing the way I eat — and that includes meat.

Margaret Cantwell

Watch out for this food-borne ‘flu’

One of my friends came to me the other day. She was not feeling well and had lost much of her energy. She had decided to follow a new diet after learning about the success I had in turning my health around when I first converted all those years ago. But I forgot to warn her…

Margaret Cantwell

Don’t blame your tummy — blame that food

If you have chronic health problems that doctors can’t solve — things like digestive issues, various mysterious aches and pains, or skin problems that never quite vanish — you’re likely eating something that is punishing your stomach.

Margaret Cantwell

3 ways to strengthen your gut to fight disease

When it comes to keeping health-destroying toxins out of your body, much depends on the walls of your digestive tract — your first line of defense against many chronic diseases. They are tasked with letting nutrients into the bloodstream while making sure unwanted chemicals and pathogens are eliminated.

Margaret Cantwell

Eat more to beat diabetes forever

I no longer have to worry about blood sugar, insulin problems or the threat of diabetes despite eating as much as I want at all my meals and never counting calories. But none of this is unique to me. It’s what anyone can achieve simply by …

Dr. Terry Wahls

Confused? Experts shed light on powerful nutrition

Dietitians agree that nutrient density — the amount of vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content per calorie consumed — is key to improving health outcomes. Many believe that the best way to get maximal nutrient density is to…


Margaret Cantwell

Avoid these four mistakes to stop obsessing over food

“A little bit of cheating is a good thing if in the long run it behaviorally helps people to stick to the diet in the long run.”

Margaret Cantwell

If food is health, this is the jackpot

If you’re already lean and healthy, is there any reason to limit yourself to a diet that consists primarily of meat and specific vegetables? If you want to stay healthy and avoid heart attack, yes.

Margaret Cantwell

8 ways to eat for health without breaking the bank

Despite what you may have heard, you don’t have to pay a fortune to eat healthy. Follow the right path, and you may even find you save money by foregoing the ‘convenient’ health risks of processed foods.

Margaret Cantwell

They say eat this, eat that, but who are ‘they’ and what do they know?

Before I provide any diet advice, you can rest assured I’ve researched it, followed it, and experienced the effects of it. And that’s what I’ll share. The rest is up to you.

Dr. Terry Wahls

Backward evolution: Getting back to foods that heal

There are many criticisms of the paleo diet and they all overlook a simple fact: It is not meant to exactly replicate what our ancestors ate. Instead, it is meant to take the general concepts and apply them to our modern food supply, in an effort to reverse the epidemic of chronic diseases.

Margaret Cantwell

Diet advice: If you see it on the internet, it must be true

When planning your meals, if you follow a specific diet, sometimes it seems easier to determine what you shouldn’t be eating than what to include. But one thing I’ve learned is to be a little skeptical about the food advice you find online.