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Carolyn Gretton

How phthalates can trigger abnormal growths in women

A growing body of research is showing how dangerous phthalates are to our health. But one hazard in particular that women need to be aware of when it comes to these widespread pollutants strikes at a very personal level…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is your stove leaking cancer-causing chemicals?

If you’re health conscious, you don’t smoke. And you probably don’t allow others to smoke in your home. But if you have a gas stove, you could be exposing you and your family to a dangerous chemical in your very own kitchen comparable to second-hand smoke.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The aluminum-Alzheimer’s connection grows stronger

Everyday items we come in contact with can impact our health. One of those is aluminum, long associated with breast cancer and Alzheimer’s. As a theory, it’s controversial, but researchers find it wrapped up in brain tau tangles. Do you know all the ways you’re exposed to it?

Joyce Hollman

Pesticides in produce: A guide to safe, cost-effective choices

The American Heart Association recommends you eat four to five servings of fruit and vegetables every day. But more than 70 percent of produce exposes you to dangerous pesticide residue, negating disease-fighting nutrients. Here’s how to make safer and cost-effective choices…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Having a cat could protect you against a staph infection

Bacteriotherapy is a cutting-edge approach to fighing MRSP, or methicillin-resistant staph. And a strain of bacteria has been identified that’s especially good at inhibiting it. You could say it’s a cat’s superpower…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The surprising way an entire family got lead poisoning

What if I told you that you could be unknowingly serving up a dangerous substance in your home every day that could poison your body, cause behavior and learning problems in your children and skyrocket your risk for heart disease? This is how it happens…


Camille Johnson

6 simple principles to crack the wellness code

Living well is an art, not a science. It begins with your health and making choices that lower stress and create satisfaction. From the space you call home to the food you eat, these 6 prinicples can help you make a masterpiece of the art of living…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Dangerous drug-resistant pathogen coming to your fruit bowl

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But times have changed. Most apples you’ll sink your teeth into today have been treated with a fungicide that’s turned them into the perfect vehicle for a drug-resistant pathogen to hitch a ride to your fruit bowl…

Carolyn Gretton

Improve your indoor air and breathe easy with houseplants

Houseplants are a great way to bring a little nature inside. A little greenery goes a along way to ease anxiety, improve mood and sleep, and importantly, your oxygen levels. They can also protect you from a dangerously common household gas…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Scientists find 109 chemicals never reported in people before

Recently researchers detected 109 chemicals in the bodies of women. Among them were 55 which have never been reported in people before, plus 42 “mystery chemicals” whose sources and uses are a complete unknown. So how do you avoid becoming a walking pool of potentially harmful chemicals?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 household nasties that make asthma worse

Some experts say asthma has become an epidemic in our country. And once you’ve got it, its symptoms hit you again and again. Luckily, researchers have identified the three bigest asthma culprits lurking in your home that if you can tame, could help you get better control of your symptoms.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

‘Everyday’ plastics mess with metabolism, increase fat cells

Endless commercials tell us if we join weight loss programs and eat their pre-packaged meals, the pounds will drop. Maybe you’ve tried them or followed a diet at home, working out on top of all of that, but the scale keeps going up. Let me be the first to tell you to stop beating yourself up. Here’s why…