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Dr. Mark Wiley

Exercise to boost energy and brain health — and banish pain

Chronic pain conditions take their toll in many ways. Not only is there discomfort and often suffering from the pain levels, but a shift away from joy and happiness to depression and loss of will. The key is to stop this cycle and make a change.

Craig Cooper

The fitness trend that might kill you

Want to run a marathon so you can cross it off your bucket list, as I did? Go for it. But before you decide to make a regular habit of it, there are some things you need to know about all that running…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Can you get in shape without “exercising”?

For many people, strenuous exercise can be addictive. Part of this is because the wear and tear on our muscles unleashes an abundance of feel-good chemicals to alleviate the pain. But new research shows we don’t need to suffer with such extreme measures to maintain cardiovascular health.

Jenny Smiechowski

Forget ‘no pain-no gain’ and get muscles this easy way

Strong muscles are important… and not just if you want to look buff. If you have decreased muscle strength, you’re less mobile and more likely to fall, which means you can’t be as active and independent as you want to be.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Partner training for powerful chest, shoulders, arms and back

Training by yourself can be difficult. It takes motivation and a lot of the time it takes equipment. Having a partner to train or exercise with helps with motivation, a positive outcome … and you can replace many of the weights with body pressure from your partner.

Dr. Mark Wiley

3 ways to stop your pain in the neck — and back

Looking down at your keyboard, cell phone, ipad and the like causes poor posture and can set you up for some real pain. These three exercises will help you relieve the strain and the pain.


Dr. Mark Wiley

Forgotten arm exercise erases pain and stress

Stress is bad news. Often time our psychological stress from the interactions of the day, mixed with our physical stress from overwork or sedentary positions, leads to muscle tension and pain. Learning ways to reduce stress and pain are essential to wellbeing.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Pull-ups for strong arms and upper body

This seemingly simple exercise from grade school can help you regain strength, make you stronger, improve bone density and help you become more coordinated.

Craig Cooper

The best exercise to boost testosterone

Can you name the best exercise for your health as you age? Did you say jogging or running? No thanks! The ‘hands-down’ best exercise to boost your testosterone levels is…

Dr. Michael Cutler

7 ways to boost exercise

My son Spencer eats and breathes soccer. He’s been competing for 10 years now, and this is the thing that amazes me when I when I watch him play …

Dr. Mark Wiley

One minute “toss and catch” for whole body fitness

Medicine ball training is a dynamic way to develop strength, stability, balance, explosive power, whole body endurance, and physical control.

Craig Cooper

These 6 kinds of exercise can propel you to incredible health

If you are looking to live a longer, healthier life then the key is to get moving—even if you move just a little bit each day. Studies show that doing just a small amount of exercise—like 15 minutes per day—can have a huge impact on your overall well being and longevity.