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Joyce Hollman

Are these foods behind your chronic insomnia?

Stress, pain, bathroom trips, frequent screen time and irregular sleep habits can add up to occassional sleeplessness. Chronic insomnia, where sleep is elusive night after night can be maddening. But a growing connection means a simple solution may be in reach…

Carolyn Gretton

Unraveling the sleep connection to migraine

Migraine can accompany sleep disorders, like insomnia, trouble falling or staying asleep, poor sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness. But is migraine what’s causing these sleep problems or vice-versa? The answer could lead to relief…

Joyce Hollman

Why sleep trouble can lead to blood sugar trouble

While you’re asleep, restorative processes take place. If your sleep is interrupted so are these important processes. That’s just one link between sleep trouble and blood sugar trouble research has identified, even when following a healthy diet…

Joyce Hollman

The daytime secret to better sleep at night

If you have trouble sleeping, or you feel tired in the morning, and you’ve tried everything under the sun (and moon), it’s time to examine what your day looks like. It may hold the secret to the elusive and essential sleep your health depends on…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are you sleeping enough to finish your brain’s wash cycle?

When you fall asleep tonight, the dishwasher in your brain will turn on. It won’t keep you awake while it silently washes out metabolic waste left from the fuel your brain needs to run on. But if you’re not sleeping well and your neurons aren’t up to the task, waste buildup could spell trouble…

Carolyn Gretton

How to start feeling younger overnight

Is feeling old keeping you from doing the things you want to, even the things you once enjoyed? Studies have shown that “feeling” can have a real impact on your health. Here’s how to ditch it and start feeling younger overnight…


Joyce Hollman

The health and relationship benefits of a sleep divorce

A sleep divorce may not sound like a good thing. But sleeping separately could be great for your relationship. Here’s what experts say about the pros and cons and how to approach it so it’s a successful strategy for you, your partner, your relationship and your health.

Joyce Hollman

The most critical habit for keeping Alzheimer’s symptoms at bay

An “amyloid cascade” starts with an abnormal increase of β-amyloid protein in the brain, which triggers tau tangles. Memory and cognition can start to falter and, ultimately, Alzheimer’s can set in. But even with these brain changes, one thing can keep symptoms at bay…

Joyce Hollman

The sleep habit that calcifies your arteries

According to sleep experts, some of our sleep preferences or habits are hard-wired into our genes. That’s why they can be hard to change. But knowing that one sleep habit in particular can harden your arteries is something to pay close attention to…

Joyce Hollman

The bedtime activity for better blood flow and heart health

It’s a big job for the heart to keep your circulatory system working. And as we get older it can get harder to support the healthy blood flow every inch of our body needs. But there’s a way to pump that up so to speak, even when you hit the sheets…

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising deficiency that could raise diabetes risk

If you find yourself perpetually shortchanged on sleep, it can do a lot worse than make you cranky and foggy. it can raise your risk of heart disease and diabetes, And if you’re a woman who has trouble sleeping, research shows you could be at greater risk for poor cardiometabolic health…

Joyce Hollman

Deep sleep holds clues to cause of tinnitus

A person with tinnitus constantly hears phantom sounds like ringing and humming. While not life-threatening, tinnitus makes life difficult, and often leads to anxiety and depression. Scientists have begun to connect what happens in the brain during sleep with this condition…