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Healthy Aging

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Virginia Tims-Lawson

The herb that helps you get your groove back

When your adrenals are constantly stressed, this sets off an autoimmune inflammatory response in your entire body. If you’ve got thyroid problems as well, things can go south real fast. The result? Feeling hopelessly stuck — tired, overweight and unhappy. There’s a way out…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Why the ancient Greeks didn’t get dementia, but Romans did

Most of us know at least one person who suffers from cognitive decline, dementia or Alzheimer’s. But was it always like this? Researchers who stepped back in time don’t believe so, but helped pinpoint when and why that changed…

Carolyn Gretton

Your organs may be aging faster: What it means for you

Scientists have shifted their focus from chronological age to biological age. They’re finding biological age is a much more accurate measure of our health. That’s even more relevant when you know your organs can experience accelerated aging. Here’s what that could mean for you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fasting’s inflammation-fighting trigger may work like aspirin

A unifying theory of disease strongly suggests that inflammation is the major contributing factor to disease and aging. Fortunately, scientists are fast on track to identifying what cools it down to support healthier aging…

Joyce Hollman

The one thing women should eat for healthy aging

On average, women outlive their male counterparts by 6 years. And when it comes to the truly long-lived, those who live to at least 100, women make up 85 percent of the centenarian club. The challenge is decreasing the chronic disease that happens in those extra years…

Joyce Hollman

The one brain change that matters more than tau and plaque

Not long ago the amyloid hypothesis came into question. One reason: amyloid plaques are found in the brains of people with normal cognition. But did you know there’s an earlier sign of impending Alzheimer’s we may be able to do more about?


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is this the hair-thinning solution we’ve been waiting for?

Have you looked in the mirror to realize your hair just doesn’t frame your face the way it used to? Is your forehead getting higher or your hair getting thinner? It’s likely the latter and happens to men and women. You might think it’s inevitable. You’d be wrong…

Joyce Hollman

How incontinence increases your odds of disability

If urine leaks when you sneeze or laugh, it’s embarrassing and inconvenient. But it may also be disabling. Research from major university health centers have linked urinary incontinence in women to an increased risk for disability, and have a clue why…

Jenny Smiechowski

What centenarians and their children have in common

Researchers found that the offspring of centenarians and centenarians themselves have something in common helping them live longer than the rest of us. But joining their club is not out of your reach…

Carolyn Gretton

How nutmeg could lead to a longer lifespan

We’ve all heard the saying “the spice of life.” And nutrition research has proven several spices are exactly that. Spices have been found to improve specific conditions and improve health in general. Now one such spice has given up its secret for healthy aging…

Carolyn Gretton

How alcohol speeds aging (and which drinks are worse)

Anything you can do to slow the body’s biological aging process is a good thing. So if you’re hoping to slow the hands of time by putting a lot of effort into healthy living and nutrients that science shows can help, you may want to consider how alcohol factors in…

Amanda Wilks

6 Anti-aging superfoods that will make you feel younger

Take into account just how important a factor food can be when it comes to aging. Stuffing yourself full of foods with added sugars and bad fats can be almost as destructive as hours sedentary on the couch. If you want good health to feel and look better, try these…