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Healthy Aging

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Joyce Hollman

How calorie restriction changes your body to slow aging

In early 2023, a first-of-its-kind study proved calorie restriction can indeed slow the pace of aging, not just in mice, but in humans. A second look showed how: It led to genetic changes that prevented a common aging condition that normally develops in older people…

Carolyn Gretton

The connection between deep belly fat and Alzheimer’s

Belly fat signals much more than weight gain. It can hide a ticking time bomb deep in your abdomen known as visceral fat. This type of fat has already been linked to diabetes, heart disease and stroke — and now the most feared condition of aging…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

If malfunctioning mitochondria kick off aging, what’s the ‘fix’?

Mitochondria are bean-shaped structures that provide the energy our cells need to function. When they malfunction and age, so do we. Is there a fix? The Buck Institute for Research on Aging made a discovery that puts them hot on the trail…

Joyce Hollman

Rewind the clock on your brain’s age

Time marches on, but you don’t have to join the parade. Research is stacking up, in one area in particular, that it’s more than possible to slow down how old your body feels and acts. And the organ that runs the show is where to start…

Joyce Hollman

‘Loneliness’ prescriptions are putting older adults in jeopardy

Whether it’s empty nest syndrome or other life changes, it’s not uncommon for people to assume loneliness goes hand-in-hand with getting older. But that’s a misconception that’s leading to a problem: seeing bouts of loneliness as an excuse for doctors to prescribe drugs that are putting seniors in danger.

Carolyn Gretton

Get a literal grip to slow your biological age

Diminished grip strength has proven to be a surprisingly reliable indicator of health issues like cardiovascular events, declining brain function and metabolic disease. And that’s not all a weak grip can point to. Turns out grip strength may be related to how fast or slow our bodies are aging…


Carolyn Gretton

Is your ‘true age’ increasing your stroke and dementia risk?

Most of us don’t worry about health problems till we’re older, when disease risks can skyrocket. But If your body’s biological age is older than your birth certificate shows, you can face higher stroke and dementia risks much sooner…

Jenny Smiechowski

6 ways to reignite your youthful energy

You used to run mini-marathons in the morning, work a full-time job, catch a late show with friends and still have energy to spare. But now you need to take a nap after grocery shopping and doing a load of laundry. What happened?

Jedha Dening

5 reasons you need more folate over 50

The health problems certainly seem to stack-up on us as we age… And one reason is because of changes in the body that affect nutrient absorption. In mature adults, more commonly known deficiencies include vitamin D and B12. But folate is one nutrient that’s equally important and often forgotten. Here are 5 ways it can help you age better…

Joyce Hollman

Why glaucoma may be the sneakiest sight stealer

You probably get a yearly checkup. But when was the last time you had your eyes examined? As we age, several conditions can degrade our eyesight. Glaucoma is one of them. And new research has found you could be suffering that damage right now — without any obvious telltale signs.

Joyce Hollman

The weird way weight affects women’s longevity after 60

Are you a woman in her 60s? Want to live to be 90, 100, or more? It’s more under your control than you think. Here’s a hint: Throw out all you’ve been told about weight loss. You’ll be surprised to hear what research says…

Carolyn Gretton

Lifestyle factors to improve by 60 to avoid the nursing home

Focusing on healthy aging is something you might put off until you feel, well, older. But research has shown how you take care of yourself, and the habits you form, won’t only impact your health, but also your risk of ending up in a nursing home. Pay attention to these before you near 60…