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Healthy Mood

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Joyce Hollman

Anxiety-relieving practice deemed effective as medication

Generalized anxiety disorder can be challenging, often leading to isolation, physical illnesses, chronic pain and fatigue. Risky antidepressants have been the go-to treatment, but a drug-free alternative just went head to head against the pills and the news is good…

Carolyn Gretton

COVID hair loss: How long does it last

The list of long COVID symptoms is extensive. And one of them is a specific type of hair loss known as telogen effluvium. This excessive hair shedding can be disconcerting. But understanding the surprising symptom may ease your mind and your hair loss.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 steps to make your resolutions stick

If you’ve set a goal for the new year, whether it’s a fitness plan, quitting smoking, drinking less or having more fun, the odds are against you. Most resolutions fall to the wayside by the 2nd Friday in January. But here are five research-backed tips that can give you your best chance…

Joyce Hollman

How to put stress to work for a better brain

Stress is bad for you. Or is it? It certainly has its downsides, like increasing risks for conditions such as nausea, migraine, hypertension, heart disease and even cancer. But all stress is not the same and can, in fact, have the opposite effect…

Joyce Hollman

How a salty diet literally ‘stresses you out’

You know salt promotes high blood pressure and increases the risks for heart problems, including stroke. But did you know sodium can literally stress you out? Research says that alone can wreak havoc on your health in ways you never thought…

Joyce Hollman

8 holiday depression triggers and how to work around them

The Christmas season can be a double-edged sword. It brings with it feelings of love, togetherness and joy. But many people find themselves stepping around emotional landmines that trigger feelings of anxiety and depression. Here are some healthy ways to cope and have a truly rewarding holiday season…


Joyce Hollman

Fermented foods and fiber: A recipe for less stress

We all experience stress from time to time. Next time you’re feeling like you need a better way to manage it, try food before turning to medications. Researchers may have found the best recipe for less stress…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Exercise: A powerful drug-free remedy for chronic anxiety

It’s no secret that exercise can help you feel better about yourself and your life. In fact, studies have shown regular physical activity to combat depression and put a smile on your face. But is a drug-free solution to chronic anxiety that easy?

Carolyn Gretton

The mood switch in our brains activated by daylight

There’s no denying the seasons influence our state of mind. It’s easier to be in a good mood when the days are long and warm, but much harder during the short, dark days of winter, when some of us face seasonal affective disorder. Why does the light affect our moods and can we overcome it?

Carolyn Gretton

Real or forced, smiling makes you feel better, says science

Evidence is mounting that a smile can both lift your mood and make you healthier. And it’s true whether the smile is genuine or faked. So, if you’re feeling down, force a smile. It may soon become real when you see just how many benefits science shows it can get you…

Joyce Hollman

When sound drives you crazy: Misophonia, tinnitus, phonophobia and more

Do certain sounds make your skin crawl? Do you anticipate with dread that one repetitive sound that you know could push you over the edge? Or do you hear constant noise that has no external source? You may be suffering from one of these conditions — and you’re not alone…

Carolyn Gretton

Evidence for this depression-fighting vitamin stacks up

There’s more than one reason it’s referred to as the “sunshine vitamin.” Not only is its main source sunlight, but studies hint a little sunshine can lighten our darkest moods. And a recent meta-analysis of 41 studies has reinforced what many experts already know about this mood-boosting vitamin…