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Weight Loss

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Joyce Hollman

‘Menopause diet’ significantly reduces hot flashes and weight

The ‘M’ in menopause stands for miserable. Hot flashes at the most inopportune times during the day and relentless sleep robbers at night. If HRT isn’t for you, discover the diet that works as well and helped women drop an average of eight pounds…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The ‘diet’ fruit that makes you feel full faster

If you’re looking to lose weight, don’t fall into the low-fat trap. That’s not only difficult, but for men a low-fat diet can lead to low T and tank a healthy libido. Instead opt for this diet “fruit” with the good fat that make you feel full enough to push back from the table sooner…

Joyce Hollman

Weight or inches: Which matters most for heart health?

There’s no doubt that being overweight is bad for your heart, upping the odds as much as 60 percent. But some obese people have better cardiovascular health than people of healthy weight. Here’s what makes them heart-healthier than someone of normal weight…

Carolyn Gretton

3 beverages to drink for better metabolism

We’d all love to keep the metabolism we had when we were kids. But aging makes that impossible. While our metabolism naturally slows with age, there’s lot we can do to help it run at peak efficiency, starting with our drinking habits…

Carolyn Gretton

How eating late makes body fat ‘grow’

Most experts advise against midnight snacking if you want to maintain a healthy weight, partly because it causes an unhealthy spike in blood sugar. But there are three additional factors affected by late-night eating, and you’ll definitely want to avoid the one that makes your body fat grow…

Carl Lowe

Get thinner with the right kind of apple

Need a reason bob for apples this Halloween or just eat more of them year-round? A study of how apples feed the bacteria in the intestines shows that one apple variety may support the growth of bacteria associated with less body fat…


Joyce Hollman

Fact or myth: Breakfast like a king for better weight loss

When trying to lose weight, there’s an old saying that goes something like this: breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dine like a pauper. But do morning calories really equate to weight loss?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The weight loss program that could double your loss

If you’re struggling to lose weight for whatever reason, you’ve probably wondered whether or not paying for a professional weight loss program is worth it. What would you say to losing double the weight?

Joyce Hollman

Milk thistle: Liver support for better cholesterol, blood sugar and weight

For centuries, milk thistle has been used as a natural, herbal remedy to help support the liver, your body’s main detoxifying organ that protects you from pesticides and other environmental toxins. But if you thought that was all it could do, think again. There’s research that your blood sugar, cholesterol and weight could benefit, too.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is exercise the secret to being skinny? Think again!

Have you ever looked at a thin person and assumed they must workout a lot? Because the secret to being thin is burning calories, right? The truth is thin people tend to be far less active than those of us with a few extra pounds. Turns out there’s something else up their sleeve…

Joyce Hollman

The ONE diet found to be the easiest to stick to and lose weight

If you’re locked in a constant struggle with weight, you know what to eat is the daily question, and often a confusing one. There is so much diet advice out there! You’ll be happy to know that, based on research, a group of scientists is backing one particular diet as the best candidate for sustained weight loss…

Carolyn Gretton

Can an avocado a day really help you lose weight?

There’s no doubt avocados are high in fat and calories. But can eating them actually help you lose weight? Smaller studies have suggested that’s the case. What did the largest and longest study to date on the health impacts of avocados find?