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Fats Oils

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Virginia Tims-Lawson

Olive oil tied to reduced mortality from 4 major health threats

It’s no secret that olive oil is a heart-healthy alternative. But the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says it can do even more. How do they know? They followed 92,000 people for 28 years and the results are too good to pass up…

Joyce Hollman

Why giving up saturated fats can lead to heart trouble

Are you a label reader? Do you review the fat content of almost every product before adding it to your grocery cart? We’re not judging but we do want to share some new evidence that will blow all your concerns about saturated fats and heart trouble out of the water — and make life easier…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Insulin resistance: What you need to know

Type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, insulin resistance. They’re all manifestations of the same metabolic dysfunction, just to a different degree. And all individuals who develop type 2 diabetes are initially pre-diabetic. And all pre-diabetics are initially insulin resistant. The key may be stopping this hidden dysfunction…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How sugar drains our mitochondria and sets the stage for disease

It’s no secret that most of us eat way too much sugar. It’s also no secret it can lead to diabetes. But that’s not all. It has a very sinister effect on our mitochondria, our cellular power plants, that can set the stage for a metabolic disaster. What can you do? Cut down on sugar and feed your mitochondria what that sugar’s been stealing from them…

Carolyn Gretton

The evidence stacks up: Omega-3s promote heart health

Omega-3 fatty acids — do they really help your heart? Or do they have no impact — or worse, a negative effect — on heart health? These are questions researchers have been trying to answer for the past few years. What did the latest meta-analysis involving almost 150,000 participants find? The evidence just keeps stacking up…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Fats, carbs, fiber and lowering your cholesterol

Diet has the greatest potential for the biggest improvement in cholesterol. But that doesn’t mean low-fat or low-carb diets are the answer. Dr. Klodas explains what fats help lower cholesterol, the carbohydrate connection, as well as how the natural cholesterol circulation system you have in your body works…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

How vegetable oil could trigger your migraine pain

Migraine is one of the most common causes of chronic pain. If you live with these extreme headaches, you know there’s no easy answer to finding relief. If you’ve tried the medications and they don’t work for you, take a close look at the oils in your diet. One type has been found to trigger them, and another may help reduce them…

Carolyn Gretton

Chronic pain? It could be what you’re eating

Chronic pain affects people around the world, making it difficult for them to work or carry out day-to-day tasks. And current treatments for pain have many shortcomings. That’s why scientists are looking to more holistic ways to relieve pain. And they’re finding that the answer could be as simple as eating more…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

People with high omega-3 levels live longer than people with less

When you were growing up, your mom never forgot to remind you to eat your vegetables. And while that’s still great advice, there might have been one recommendation she missed. Always eat your fish… your oily, fatty fish, that is! Because people with higher omega-3 blood levels live longer than those with lower levels.

Carolyn Gretton

The other reason HDL protects against narrowing of the arteries

You already know that there’s “good” cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol and that the “good” type helps eliminate bad forms of cholesterol out of your system. But researchers have discovered another benefit to “good” cholesterol that could help predict your likelihood of developing a serious heart problem…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The saturated fat link to heart disease may be melting away

If you’ve given up the guilty pleasures of a perfectly cooked steak, dripping rich juices, butter melted just perfectly onto your biscuits… or your favorite cheeses, hold up. Research has revealed that not only is the evidence against saturated fats weak at best, those fats may even be vital to our health.

Carolyn Gretton

The damage a high-fat diet can do to your heart

There are benefits to high-fat, low-carb diets, particularly for weight loss and brain conditions like epilepsy. But there’s no denying the damage fat can do to your heart. Researchers have uncovered a connection between diets high in fat and a certain protein that can wreak havoc with your cardiac health…