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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Rosemary: Old-fashioned herb for modern-day ailments

Who doesn’t love rosemary? Its aroma is both fresh and invigorating — but it’s also a culinary herb that works well in just about any dish. It’s not short on health benefits either. From memory support to metabolic conditions, its polyphenolic compounds are proving powerful allies…

Carolyn Gretton

More proof a vitamin D deficiency spells dementia

As the world’s population ages, dementia is on the rise. Researchers, feverishly hunting for anything that can stop this cognitive destroyer in its tracks, have found new evidence further indicating that preventing dementia could be as simple as correcting one key deficiency…

Carolyn Gretton

The sweet news about sugar in your coffee

There’s no doubt that coffee’s health benefits are backed by plenty of research. But the caveat has been to avoid the cream and sugar to reap them. Of course, you want the benefits — but you want to enjoy your coffee too. Here’s some good news on that front…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Proline: Why this amino acid causes depression for some

More than 37 million Americans now take medications for depression. And for far too long experts focused on chemical imbalances in the brain these drugs treat. But another imbalance is proving just as powerful at affecting your mood. And the medicine is much easier to swallow…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Strange link: Dietary cholesterol and viral infection

Specific limits on dietary cholesterol were lifted from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans back in 2015. But that move may have been too hasty. Turns out there’s an odd connection between dietary cholesterol and your susceptibility for viral infection…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A doctor’s list of 6 diseases a plant-based diet benefits

Have you ever noticed something strange when you go to your doctor? No matter what your health problem, their answer is always in a pill. But physicians everywhere are being put on notice by one of their own — and she’s got a better prescription with lots of clout…


Joyce Hollman

Why the mercury in fish may not be so bad

We’ve been warned to avoid eating much fish over concerns about mercury. But now, Canadian researchers say the chemical form of mercury consumed from a high fish diet is completely different from the form found in the brains of those who were poisoned by mercury. What gives?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

New study shows 3 ways eggs benefit your heart

Remember how for years, doctors warned us not to eat eggs? They would raise our cholesterol, give us heart disease and leave us to die of a heart attack or stroke? Forget that old-school advice. The new-school lists three ways eggs do a heart good…

Joyce Hollman

Reducing cravings: An added benefit of exercise

Exercise should be part of any weight-loss strategy. But can it do more? Scientists have looked into how it may help us resist the foods that often sabotage our best efforts. And it’s promising enough that you may start disliking exercise a whole lot less…

Joyce Hollman

A fiber fix for antibiotic-resistant infections

When bacteria become resistant, the original antibiotic can no longer kill them. The chances of experiencing an antibiotic-resistant infection are only increasing. But what you eat can shift the balance of antibiotic resistance genes in your gut…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The coffee brew method that raises cholesterol most for men

Coffee. Few of us can or want to start the day without it. And why not? The health benefits keep coming, or do they? That all depends on the brew method and your sex, especially if you’re watching your cholesterol…

Carolyn Gretton

The berry that decreases dementia risk even in middle age

It helps reduce the inflammation that can lead to heart disease and metabolic dysfunction. It can even help support stronger bones and muscles. Now researchers have found further evidence of this little powerhouse’s brain benefits — even in middle age…